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Lets start with the Progress end of things:
Hard at work on Inheritance these last two weeks!  We're currently sitting on about 25-30k words of new content, so that's a pretty decent bit of written content.  Additionally, we've got a ton of new art that's been added to the game.  Probably the biggest accomplishment however is thanks to our new coding help who has been doing an outstanding job in the background and has the new dialogue box function both added to the game, and a huge portion of the game has been converted to use the new code.  A36 is going to feel like a very different game, . . . . in a good way.  ;)

A36 will have an emphasis on Christmas, including some rooms in the mansion having decorations, exchanging gifts (Gift giving is early content, but we're setting it up to expand significantly in the future.) and I'm actually trying to finish up a big threesome scene between Anna and Misaki right now!

Most of this I brought up a short while back, but I'll recap for the newcomers.
* At the end of this week, we'll be pushing out a new test build in preparation for the December 20th build of Inheritance.
* Once I finish work this week, my attention is going to shift to Last Stand of Ra until it's complete.  I figure that is going to take about 2 weeks worth of work, but it's hard to say until I actually start writing the game's ending.  Regardless, the goal is to finish the game, which means I need to write 2-4 more sex scenes and the game's ending, the ending being what will demand the vast majority of my work time.  I hope to complete the game by year's end, but it's going to be a close thing.
* Once Last Stand is near completion, I'll be posting a poll about what people will want me to do next.  I have a few ideas for future stories, but I'll also be offering to do Inheritance full time as one option.
* The rest of this year (This part is new.) I'm going to take a little time off.  I've been creating games like these full time for three years now, and I honestly can't think of any time that I've taken more than one or two days off over the course of any week.  I've also ranged anywhere between 40-80 hours of work time on any given week (Lately it's been around 50-60 most weeks.)  Next week, I'll work on bug reports, reply to messages, and help the writers/coders on the project with anything they need.  The rest of the time however, I intend to take it easy until next Friday's release of Inheritance.  The following week, I plan to jump back into work, though I'll also be taking Christmas day off, possibly the day after as well.  (Want to bed I get about 2-3 days into my "vacation" and start sneaking off to write anyway?)

And there you have it!  



With the content you've been throwing at us, plus this full menu rework, I say take the time you need. We are here cause we love your work, regardless of the time it takes.


Thank you. You're right, there's a lot going on with Inheritance recently. Everyone's been doing some really amazing work. I don't expect this to affect the release schedule any, but the January build of Inheritance might be a little small when the time comes (And by small, I mean 10-20k words instead of the +25k we have been seeing in recent months.) Now, back to work for me! Got a scene to finish up, then a submission to code into the game. Going to have some really great stuff in this weekend's test build.


Gotta make time for yourself man. We all love your work ethic but not good for the soul nor your health.