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Got a ton of things going on right now, especially with Inheritance.  I figured I would take a few minutes to update everyone on where we're at.

This week:  We're currently sitting on about 25k words of new content for Inheritance, as well as 24 new images, and a HUGE amount of code work that's been done (Thank you Anenn, you're doing amazing work with the dialogue boxes, and I won't spoil all the other stuff you're working on.  ;) )

In addition to all that, I have one more image, and about 8k words of additional content that's WIP (about 6k of that I'm hoping to get into the game tonight.)

Tonight:  Tonight is the next build of Last Stand of Ra.  You can expect the next build to be released some time in the next 2-4 hours.  I also have a mountain of bug reports (Mostly spelling type stuff that was reported recently) for Inheritance that I hope to grind my way through over the next 24 hours.

Next:  Over this weekend, I'll be releasing a new Inheritance TEST build.  There's going to be a little WIP content in it this time around, but it's clearly labeled when you stumble across it and the links all work so there should be no trouble navigating past it.

Next Week:  Going to be finishing up the stuff I'm working on right now, hopefully have a couple of submissions to add as well.  

Short version:  Making good progress, lots of new content, and some major work being done to the code.  All very exciting stuff from where I'm sitting.


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