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New build for all of you fine people!  Lots of fun new content to explore!  

This time around you're actually receiving two items.  The first is the usual release.  The second is the UI Test which will show off some of the visual improvements we're working on in the background.    

Hope you all have as much fun playing the new build as we had creating it!

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What to expect in the new build:

* Wrote and added a new bed time scene to the sleep function.  This scene triggers if both Misaki and Anna are sleeping with you and requires Misaki to have middling or higher relationship stats and Anna to have somewhat high relationship stats.  4k words of content sponsored by Braidborn.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Eve, Gaia, and Rey that takes place in the back yard.  1.6k words of content sponsored by Matty.
* Wrote and added a new scene to the mansion that can potentially include every character currently capable of staying in the mansion.  This is a Christmas themed scene that can only appear in December.  5.2k words of content sponsored by Matty.
* Wrote and added a new scene to mid main in Pendleton.  Requires that it be December and that you own Mitsuko.  .4k words of content sponsored by Matty.
* Wrote and added the option to take surveys for money on the computer in the study.  You can now earn money in the game!  Very bare bones now but will be expanded in the future.  Now I just have to make a way to spend it.  .6k words of content.
* Added a new scene for Anna and Yami in the sauna  Requires middling or higher relationship stats with Yami.  9.4k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene for Yami to the library.  1.3k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added another new scene for Yami to the library.  1.8k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a third new scene for Yami to the library.  Late n ight and rare.  1.5k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene for Yami and Misaki in the living room of the mansion. Appears in the evenings..  1.2k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene for Shanaya to the Joker in Pendleton.  2.7k words of content submitted by The Mysterious Stranger.
* Added a new scene for Rey to the lounge.  1.4k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Added eleven small ambient scenes for Rey.  .6k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.  (Details follow)
* Added two ambient scenes for Rey to the front yard.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the East yard.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the West yard.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the back yard.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the garage.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the greenhouse.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the Kennels.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the pool.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the shed.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the stables.
* Added an image of Yami to her intro scene.
* Added eight new images to the Joker in Pendleton.  Four are related to Shanaya.
* Fixed an issue with "Misaki Mitsuko 1" where the options down the Misaki branch were switched.
* Fixed a broken image related to Mitsuko's Intro.
* Fixed (I hope) a bug that was causing Misaki's intro scenes to trigger out of order.  WILL REQUIRE A FRESH SAVE TO FIX.
* Fixed an assortment of minor spelling/grammar errors.
* Added a "Troubleshooting" file to the game bundle for players.  It's got likely solutions for some of the most common problems people have reported with the game.  We will be trying to update this as needed.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 11/15/19.  If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.    


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