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Due to unforeseen circumstances, Thursday and Friday were both shot to hell as far as getting some work done.  Because of this, I will not be running our weekly poll for what I should work on.  Instead, I'll be spending Monday, (And possibly Tuesday) trying to finish up the bit of content I was working on for Last Stand of Ra.  Then the rest of the week I will be working on Inheritance.

Now, some notes about what's coming down the pipe:
*Our discord is a growing community, and with any growing community, sometimes there's growing pains.  This last week we've done a little restructuring, added a couple of mods, and put the unspoken common sense rules we've naturally used into writing.  We'll likely be making additional adjustments to things in the coming weeks.  The end goal is to create some guidelines so that our community can continue to grow with a  focus on friendly banter and discussion.
* I am working on the sixth quest out of seven for Last Stand of Ra.  We're looking at the endgame.  I am hopeful that the game will be finished some time in the next three builds.
*As with the Halloween build, we'll be working on Christmas content coming up the the Christmas holiday and laying the ground work to make future content for the Christmas holiday easier to add.
*I've put off the mealtime overhaul for far too long.  I hope to have at least one meal overhauled by the A35 build.
*Worked on some fixes today.  Will be posting fix builds for A34 some time tomorrow (Lacking any new bug reports that prove time consuming.)
*This weekend's Last Stand TEST build will be pushed back a few days.  This should not affect the official release date, but it will hopefully give me a chance to move the game to a better stopping point since I'm currently in the middle of something.  And in doing so I hope to put a significant dent in the sixth quest.

I think that's everything for the moment.  Have yourselves a wonderful evening!


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