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Sorry it took so long to get a TEST build out for last week's work.  Had a couple of bugs to resolve and then did just a little more work to it first.

Was really pleased with the amount of content produced last week.  I usually figure that one major function, or three noteworthy scenes produced in a single week is a pretty solid amount of content.  Last week I got two new functions in the game and set up the ground work for a third.  PLUS added about half a dozen new scenes to the game.  

As usual, this is a TEST build.  It's been briefly tested, but there's a good chance I missed something.  If you see something that is broken, looks a little off to you, or even if you know it's been reported before, please take a moment to report it.

* Wrote and added a new function to The Joker in Pendleton.  This allows you to mingle and pick up girls in the club.  5.7k words of content sponsored by He Who Remembers All.
* Wrote and added  a new set of branches to Anna Interactive Scene 10 for players who own Misaki.  1k words of content sponsored by Matty.
* Wrote and added the Park location to North Main in Pendleton.  .9k words of content spanning the description of the location and sight small scenes.
* Wrote and added content to the Pendleton Park during the month of October for Halloween.  2.4k words of content between descriptions and twelve small scenes.
* Wrote and added a new scene to West Street in Pendleton during the month of October that allows you to purchase a costume for Eve.  The costume is later used to allow you to take her Trick-or-Treating.  .7k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Eve where you can give her the Halloween costume you buy in town. 1.5k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new function on Halloween that allows you to take Eve Trick or Treating in the Afternoon/Evening.  2.1k words of content.
* Added a new scene for Yami and Gaia to the Apples function in the game. Requires highish relationship stats with Gaia to trigger.  1.5k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene for Yami and Gaia at the pond. 1.1k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene for Gaia on the forest trail.  .5k words of content from Braidborn.
* Added three new pieces of art to the Park location.
* Fixed an issue where Shanaya's initial scene wasn't triggering.
* Fixed a hand full of minor spelling and grammar errors that were reported.
* Resized a bunch of too-large images.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 10/03/19.  If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.


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