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I haven't been making nearly enough progress reports the last few months, have I?  That said, the biggest reason for this is because I've been obsessing over making awesome new content for all of you!  

This week has been an Inheritance week, and as such, I hit the ground running with an ambitious to-do list.  If it wasn't for some real life issues, I'd have probably even finished everything on that to-do list!  Even so, we cranked out about 20k words of new content for the game, to include a Halloween festival in the Pendleton park, and the ability to take Eve trick or treating!  We also added the park location to the game, extended an old scene with a massive new branch, new art, AND we had several submission scenes that got added to the game.  All-in-all, a pretty exceptional week.

So, what are we looking at from here?  Well, the next build of Inheritance is scheduled for the 25th of this month.  That's three weeks away.  It looks like next week is going to be a wiki week unless our weekly poll shifts significantly in the next 24 hours toward something else.  Assuming that's the case, then I'm going to be spending much of my week working on that, with any extra time going into Inheritance.

Next Friday is the next build of Last Stand of Ra.  The game is coming along nicely.  This next build will include much of the 5th quest content, and if all goes to plan, the game could actually be complete in the next 4-5 builds.

No promises, but some of our regular Inheritance contributors have been working on some Halloween content.  If they're able to get it done in time, then it's going to make for a really great bit of content, . . . they've got some really special stuff planned.

And I think that about gets all of you fine people up to speed again!  Expect to see a new TEST build dropped some time tomorrow, a lot of Wiki activity during the week next week, and a pretty darn special Halloween build of Inheritance just in time for the holiday!


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