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It's been a while since I've done any sort of shout out for another creator, and quite honestly, this is someone who deserves a LOT more credit than he gets.

TheMadExile.  If you haven't heard the name, then you've almost certainly encountered his work.  As a matter of fact, every time you play one of my projects, you're seeing the byproduct of countless hours of their hard work.

See, TheMadExile is the creator of the format I, and many other creators, use to create their games.  If you've played a text based HTML game, then odds are better than not that it's the framework he created that makes it all work.  Not only that, but he's very active in helping creators with problems that arise.  He's an unsung hero among HTML game makers who deserves FAR more credit than he's likely to ever receive.

He's had a Patreon page for quite some time, but since he doesn't really create his own games, he's often overlooked by people looking to support a creator.  As such, I wanted to take a moment to bring a bit of attention to him.  If any of you have ever thought about who to support, where that support would do the most to help, then his page would be a very good place to start.  I know that I couldn't do what I do without the hard work he has done to create the programs I use and all the times he's personally helped me with one coding project or another.


I encourage all of you to swing past his Patreon page, take a look at what they do, and if you're able send them a small pledge.


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