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Lets start off with a reminder.  This would normally be a release day for Last Stand of Ra.  However we polled the community and overwhelmingly you told me that it would be best to wait until the fourth quest was complete rather than try to push out an incomplete bit of content.  As such, there is no Last Stand build this weekend and the next build should appear in four weeks.

Now on to Inheritance.  In all honesty, I wasn't expecting to get much done this week.   I have family stuff going on, and I fully expected that to have a massive impact on the amount of work I got done.  I'm happy to say that I was VERY wrong and the last two days were some of the most productive work days I've had since starting to create games for all of you fine people.  

Over the last month, I've had a colossal influx of submission scenes.  I started the week with about 25 submissions in my folder to be added.  So far this week I have added 27 submissions and one new function submitted by a fan, and there are still 14 scenes remaining in the submissions folder.  Needless to say, this has had a massive impact on my time to create.  Even so, I've still managed to create a decent amount of content.

In total, we've currently got about 65k worth of new content for the next build.  That means if nothing more was added, this would be a strong competitor for the largest build we've ever released.  But, I'm on the home stretch of writing a new piece of content that should easily push that number even higher.

Short version:  Brace yourselves, this next build is going to be MASSIVE.  And more so, it's largely thanks to all of the incredibly talented people who have chosen to submit content for the game.

Now, off to finish up the bit of content I've been working on.  If all goes well, I should be able to drop another 4k into the game later this evening!


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