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We've had a LOT going on the last couple of weeks.

Since I'm a firm believer in dealing with the bad first, then saving the good as a sort of treat, I'll start with the bad.

Friday's Last Stand of Ra build was a trainwreck.  Three fixes later and it's STILL not quite right.  Worst part is, if I'd have spent some extra time testing it, I'd have found the problem, meaning I have no one to blame but myself  That said, I've got a fix in place (Second quest was getting hung up in some broken code.)  and hope to release a final fix coming into this weekend.

Now, lets get into some more positive news.

We currently have three writers who have expressed an interest in contributing content to the game,   While I've spent a lot of time the last week helping get them up to speed, in the long run it's going to be a net gain.  One of them has even sent me the first couple of scenes for a new character who is rather, . . . . . abrasive, . . . .but should ultimately be a lot of fun to have in the group.

The last couple of weeks we've had more bug reports than usual.  Not that there's been a lot related to the last build, but the majority of it has come from a player who's been going through old scenes and pointing out stuff (Most of which has been spelling/grammar stuff).  Should amount to some additional polish on the game which is always nice.  You know who you are, and you're awesome.  <3

SO MUCH ART.  We've officially got two artists working on Inheritance at this point.  We're still commissioning art through the artist who's been doing art for the last year or so, but we also had an aspiring artist volunteer to help out.  The volunteer wants to focus on interior location work, which means I'll be shifting more of the commission artist's talents toward character art.  All in all, I figure the influx of new art should make everyone happy.  I've dropped quite a bit of new art into the game for the next build, and I've already got one location worth of art, and am received a bunch of sample art just a little while ago that I approved for completion.

In addition to all of that?  The first of Rey's sex content.  Drinking with Misaki.  More pregnancy content.  New in-game advertisements.  New submissions, and a few other things.  It's not going to be one of those uber huge builds that we've been seeing lately, but it's still going to be a pretty respectable bit of new content.  


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