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This week has been interesting to say the least.  

Since this is supposed to be a wiki week, I've been spending a lot of time talking with our crew, as well as one of our fans who uses a text reader to enjoy our games, about how to make the wiki more user friendly.  We've come up with a few improvements that we've started to implement.  I

As far as actual work on the wiki, I've been trying to focus on adding new content.  The changes listed above will appear in all new content with the intent to go back and update old entries once everything is caught up.  So far several new locations, several new functions detailed, plus scene entries for several of the game's characters (Mostly Anna and crossover stuff so far.)

One of our coders is hard at work behind the scenes, been playing a bit of Q&A with them about some of the game elements.  They've been making good progress this week, and hopefully I'll have something to announce on that front in the next few days.

Saw some sample art for what's coming down the pipe a couple of days ago.  I asked for some small changes, but the next round of art is coming along nicely.

And since I dislike working on the wiki (There's a reason it's so far behind) I've been working on the poolside content for Inheritance on the side whenever the wiki has me at my wits end.  On that front we've made some amazing progress.  

Over the next two days, I'll be trying to finish up a few more things related to the wiki, then I'll be hard at work writing again next week!

And there you have it.  You guys know about as much as I do now!  I'll sneak back in and report more when I have more to report.


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