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In recent weeks, we've been doing an in-character weekly recap any time I work on one of my own projects.  The last three that have been done using Anna and/or Eve.  This week I thought it would be fun to introduce the new girl that was added in A23.

Today, I get to introduce Misaki, . . . . . and hopefully she will remain on her best behavior, . . . . 

Looking into the room you see a woman sitting alone in an ornate chair.  Her face is turned toward the sun filtering in through the nearby window.

Pausing, you look at her.  She's an Asian woman, small in stature and wearing a simple maid's uniform.  Her dark hair hangs loose down her back.  Across her lap is a long white stick, her hands clutching it.  But perhaps what is most striking about her is her almond shaped eyes.  Her eyes are striking, light blue like the noon day sky.

You must make some kind of sound because her head turns toward you suddenly.  Her eyes don't quite seem to focus on you, pointed at you but not quite seeming to see you.  //She's blind,//  You realize suddenly.

A smile forms on her lips, "You're finally here,"  There's excitement in her tone, and not a hint of accent in her seductive voice,"  She bites her lip playfully, then continues, "My master told me to come talk with you today,"  She makes a pouty face, "He asked me to be on my best behavior, but he told me I could flirt a little if I had to."

Her smile becomes coy, "And I need to flirt like most people breathe,"  Leaning forward, her uniform tugs in such a way that it pulls low along the neck line.  She has to know that she's exposing a generous amount of cleavage, "Come over here so I can touch you,"  She purrs.

You feel your eyebrows rise a little, but you do as she says.  When you near where she is sitting, she reaches out, one hand, then the other coming into contact with your belly, then trailing upward.  Every inch of you she touches seems to make her smile grow just a little more.  When her hands reach your neck, her fingertips trail across your jawline as she turns her eyes toward your face.  Her light blue eyes pull you in, making you feel like you could fall right though them and into the sky itself.

"This is how I see you.  I can't see every detail, but through touch I can get a sense of what you may look like,"  She says softly by way of explanation, then as an afterthought, "I do hope you stick around a while,"  She says, her voice thick with arousal.  

One of her hands slides behind your neck and gently pulls you forward, you end up kneeling in front of her before she lets her hand trail back to your cheek.  She leans forward slowly, you can see her lips pucker slightly, then a second later her soft lips touch yours, //She tastes like cherries.//

She makes a content sound when she breaks the short kiss, "Maybe we can play later?"  She asks softly.

The sound of someone clearing their throat from not far away seems to sober her mood slightly, though she remains with her face inches from yours, her hand still lingering on your cheek, "I guess I need to take care of my chore before I can have any fun."

With a little sigh that comes off as cute, she straightens and begins to talk, "There's all kinds of stuff I'm supposed to talk about related to Mitsuko, but mostly it boils down to the fact taht she did a lot of work around the mansion this week, which only seems proper since she's been around here so long, and they let her play with the karaoke machine,"  Her tone takes on a hint of annoyance, "And she's now fooling around with our master in the evenings, when's he going to let me start sleeping with him?"

She squares her shoulders, "Apparently the servant's bathroom and the garage have seen some renovation, though I confess that I personally haven't noticed much of a difference."

"The other night, I went downstairs in search of my Master, I was so hoping he would spend a little time with me,"  You can feel her hand trailing down your chest suggestively as she talks, "But instead I found him and Eve having a little heart to heart on the couch in the living room,"  She looks ready to add something more, but stops herself.

"And that little lady, I'm starting to think she's his favorite around here, she keeps hounding him for sex around the mansion, and God, she sounds so wet when he pins her against the wall.  All I can do is hide around the corner and finger myself every time I hear them going at it,"  Then in a dreamy tone she adds, "Why won't someone pin me against the wall and use me like that?  It wouldn't even have to be all that often, five or six times a day and at least I'd be able to concentrate on my work a little better."

You can smell her arousal in the air, her legs parting as she scoots forward in her chair toward you.  You can actually feel the heat of her sex against your groin as she presses herself against you.

Her expression turns sheepish, "But at least my new Master pays some attention to me, "I was dusting, and I flirted with my Master, and oh my God, it was wonderful, the raw hunger,"  She trails off, clearly lost in thought.  Her hips move, grinding herself against you as she does so, "My pussy is wet just thinking about it."  She adds in a breathless whisper.

She turns her head suddenly toward where the earlier throat clearing had come from, "Master?  GateKeeper?  May I?"  She bites her lip, "I was good, wasn't I?"

"For you, you were surprisingly well behaved,"  A masculine voice says from nearby.

"You said if I behaved myself, I could have sex with your guest?"  Her tone is pleading.

"I told you if you were well behaved, that you could ask our guest if they'd be interested."

She turns back to you, nearly throwing herself into your arms, her lips touch yours in a fierce kiss, then when she breaks it she whimpers, her lips brushing yours as she speaks, "I'm so fucking horny.  Will you stay for a little while and play with me?  Please?" 


And the full changelog for those of you who would like an itemized list of what was done this week:


*Wrote and added five new "decline" scenes for when Eve comes looking for sex.  Somehow I had forgotten to write content for that when I created her new sex content (Seriously, who's going to tell her "No" anyway?)  .5k words of content between them.

*Wrote and added a new scene for Misaki that appears during work hours in pretty much any room with a picture on it's walls.  Misaki Interactive Scene 2.  2.5k words of content.

*Wrote and added a new scene for Eve that appears late night through the Couch function at high relationship ranges.  Eve Couch Scene 2.  .7k words of content.

*Added a new scene for Mitsuko in the dining room at night.  9pm to midnight. Submitted Mitsuko Interactive Scene 8.  1.7k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

*Added a new scene for Mitsuko in any of the hallway locations.  Evening hours.  Submitted Mitsuko Interactive Scene 12. 1.2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

*Added a new scene for Mitsuko in the kitchen during work hours.  Submitted Mitsuko Scene 13.  1.1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

*Added a new scene for Mitsuko in the laundry area during work hours.  Submitted Mitsuko Scene 14.  .5k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

*Added a new scene for Mitsuko in most of the mansion locations that include more than one exit.  Submitted Mitsuko Scene 15.  .2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

*Added a new scene for Mitsuko that appears in the guest rooms during work hours.  Submitted Mitsuko Scene 16.  .6k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

*Added a new scene for Mitsuko that can appear in any room with a window during work hours.  Includes a nice little bit of naughtyness.  Submitted Mitsuko Scene 17.  1.4k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

*Added two new scene sets to the sleeping function related to Mitsuko.  Requires that you are sleeping only with her.  These scenes open up the "Sleepy Sex" options that were coded into the the previous build.  Includes 1.2k words of content for the full spectrum of relationship values.  Submitted by Irish Major Tom.

*Added a new karaoke scene for Mitsuko, "Asymmetry."  .4k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

*Added a new karaoke scene for Mitsuko, "Still Here."  .4k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

*Added two new images to the Servant's Bath.  Unless I'm forgetting something, we now have background art for every location inside the mansion now.

*Added two new images to the Garage on the mansion grounds.  

*Had broken the new Eve sex scenes.  Ended up having to create a little work around in the form of a mini scene that leads to the content so that it would work correctly.  .1k words of content.

*Did some minor rewrite to Belle's 7th diary entry to fix some consistency issues.

*One of our blind players mentioned that their text reader doesn't always recognize dashes.  Because of that, we have started replacing the dashes with asterisks in the changelog starting with the A24 testing phase.  Short of this change somehow completely breaking the game for someone, this will be the new norm.

*Updated the Special Thanks area 12/21/18



Misaki is so horny:D Still not popped Eves cherry yet! Looking for the best way to do it as a loving master but I am finding it hard to find anything fitting. The kitchen scene with Eve and Anna is nice but not for a loving master. Will you be adding cherry popping scenes in the future?


Yeah, I need to get back to Eve's romance path. Soooooo much work to do, so little time. I'll move that back up my priority list a bit. Misaki is fun to write. Every servant/slave in the game has some kind of problem, or in some cases more than one problem. Anna has her obvious psychological trauma, Eve trying so hard to be happy for her sister's sake, Mitsuko's grief. Misaki, she's blind, but probably more significant is her need to be touched combined with her nymphomania. I'll be sure to add some content for her with every build for a while until she starts to feel more playable.


Time waits for no-man. Just out of curiosity, what do yo have planed for the clothing system?


Quite a bit actually. This last year, I commissioned a couple thousand dollars in art for it just to get the bare bones in place (We've been waiting on the coders since then) And the bare bones version of it includes several hundred clothing options (Two types of panties, 11 colors each. Two types of bra, ll colors each. Things add up pretty fast.) . Clothing is broken down into slots: Legs, torso, panties, bra, socks, shoes, ribbons, chokers, gloves, etc. Once we can get a working paper doll in place, then we'll be adding new slots and extra items for existing slots. At first, it's going to be trying to give a simple range of clothes for everyone to match the clothing each character starts with. After that, we'll expand out into jewelry and tattoos and other decorative items. It's my understanding that most of the hard work is done for the paper doll stuff and that the code side of it shouldn't be too bad when the time comes. The problem has been that the coder that is heading that has had some real life responsibilities that have had to be taken care of first. Hopefully those priorities will shift soon and I'll be able to report progress on this front again soon.


Oh I like the sound of that already. I hoped it would be more than just a few extra outfits. Slots system will be nice. Panties Eve! Hand them over girl:P On a side note, I loved the under the bed monster scene with Eve. Looks to me like this game is a long term project. Got me hooked that's for sure. Would I be right in saying the trade system will be equally complex?


My previous projects were created with a single story in mind. This one is being approached with more of a sandbox mentality. Instead of building a game around a single story, instead this game creates a setting that many stories can take place within. So yeah, this is just the tip of the iceberg.


The merchant system should be fairly straight forward. Products will be semi-random and changed out every week or month. Other than that though, it's going to be a fairly simple, go to the store, click on what you want to buy, and go home with it if you can afford it.


Story driven games are nice in there own way but I love a good open sandbox. I love to see some good voyeur and groping content but that's just some of my pervs:P Ok, enough of me taking up your time, thanks for all the info. Oh and Happy New Year to you all from the UK.


I've got about 8 more hours before it's New Years here. But thank you! As the setting grows and more characters become available, there will be more opportunity for those kinds of content. Up to this point, most of the content has been fairly focused on just adding repeatable scenes, as things grow we'll explore different fetishes in more detail. And if you like groping, you're going to like Misaki, . . . . she's all about touching. :P