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Since  the next step is going to be a rather significant bit of content, I know I won't have the next bit playable before the weekend even if I have as much time on my hands as I hope to.  Because of that, I am opting to share what I have so far.

This build more than doubles the size of the previous build and follows Ra up to the point where his plans are in motion.  

What I plan for moving forward is to create a hub of sorts where you can explore different areas.  In these areas you'll have random events.  Most of those will be atmospheric in nature, but some will have meaningful repercussions on the story.  There will also be a series of major stories associated with the setting when you will be able to pursue at will.  Through basic exploration you will be able to encounter different creatures and using those unlock new transformations.  During the major stories, those transformations will unlock new ways to approach different situations.  For example, if faced with a collapsed tunnel, a snake or bug may allow you to slip through the cracks to the other side while in contrast a bull may give you the strength to move the large rocks and pass through the blockage that way.  Eventually I hope that every situation will have more than one right, and more than one wrong way to approach it.

In the meantime, the game currently has two important checks in it, the first is for if you choose to be honest about what you are or if you try to pass yourself off as a God.  As the game unfolds, this will change many people's perception of you.  The second is for if you choose to pursue a physical relationship with Hesat.  I'll be adding a secondary way for you to seek a physical relationship with her for those who prefer to not rush in at the start, but for now it's just the one rout.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the new build!  I'd love to hear impressions, and if you see something that doesn't look quite right, even if it's an odd phrasing or spelling error, please report it so I can fix it.


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