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What was accomplished this last week:

-Wrote about 8k words of content for Wanton Cove.  This is almost exclusively related to the prostitution content in the game but there were some improvements done in the background as well.

-Wrote a new Eve scene for Inheritance on a whim, but it wont make it into the game until next month's release.  It's a Christmas themed event, so it will wait until closer to that holiday before I get it added.

-Lots of bug fixing for Inheritance this last week.

What's coming next:

-Looks like "Last Stand of Ra" is going to be the winner of this week's work poll.  So we can expect to see quite a bit of news about that in the coming days.  Going to start planning what I want to accomplish over the next week later today.

-Will be rolling out a new TEST build for Wanton Cove later today.

-The Thanksgiving holiday is going to shaft me pretty hard.  Going to have no internet for about three days.  I'm not sure yet how that's going to affect my work week.  Last Stand is going to require a LOT of research, so it's possible that during the last half of this week I'll end up working on something different if I get hung up on something.

-Next week's release:  Not sure how everything is going to pan out.  I won't have internet on Friday, so our usual release date won't work.  I am thinking that I'll move the release back to Saturday (Could be as late as Sunday), the alternate being a release on Wednesday instead (That early of a release would likely result in bug reports not being addressed until the weekend though, which is something I would like to avoid.  I've always felt that bugs should be addressed quickly whenever possible.)

In all honesty, I don't know what this week is going to look like by the end, but I have every intention of having a heck of a good time with it as the chaos unfolds!



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