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"The Allure of Wanton Cove is a dark tale of horror set within the Cthulhu Mythos created by the renowned author H.P. Lovecraft.

You take on the part of a washed up former detective who could never let go of the last terrible case he worked.  Content to live the rest of his life at the bottom of a bottle, his former partner comes knocking, begging for his help.  Help that he is loath to give until offered a tantalizing clue that could finally unravel the case that plagues his every waking thought.  He accepts, having no idea that the truth he will find is infinitely more terrible than what already haunts him."


Changelog 1.09
-Added one new story driven scene related to the "Azumi Origin" path.  Once you've talked with Ms Sherwood, seek out Lady Anne for a conversation that perhaps creates as many questions as it answers.
-Added one new image to the game's intro.
-Added three new ambient scenes to the Ruins.
-Added three new ambient scenes to the bad part of town.
-Added six new ambient scenes to the Barmaid's Daugher.  One of these is affected by your current Taint level.
-Added three new ambient scenes to the main street through town.
-Added one new ambient scene to the hallway between the tavern and your room.
-Added one new ambient scene to the forest trail.
-Added one new ambient scene to the waterfront.
-Did a minor rewrite to one of the park fountain related scenes.  It had the potential to reference the leatherbound tome before you actually acquired it.  
-Found and fixed a bug that was preventing an ambient scene from playing on the main street through town.  
-Found and fixed a bug that was preventing an ambient scene from playing in the Barmaid's Daughter
-Found and fixed a bug that was preventing an ambient scene from playing in the ruins.
-Worked through several small improvements, minor bug reports, and spelling errors.
-Updated "Special Thanks" area with Patrons who pledged at the $10 and up levels.  7/19/18
-Added about 4k words of content to the game bringing the game's total size up to about 407k words of content.



Under the changelog you will see two red links behind the paperclip icon. Choose the format you prefer and download! Hope you enjoy the game, and if you have any further troubles let me know and I'll help as I am able.


You're very welcome. Have yourself a wonderful evening, and I hope you enjoy playing the game!


Where is walkthrough because i play a loot time this game and i have unlock only DeepEnd2, Madness End, Taint Human, Taint Hybrid and Taint Deep. I want to unlock DeepEnd1 and DeepEnd3 but how ?


And what to do in a hidden pool in the church's basement ?


Do you plans next game Monster TG ? because i love Deep One Monster.


Check out the wiki (It's linked on the opening page of the game) and you should be able to find a lot of information there, and it's the closest thing I know of to a guide/walkthrough at this time.


That depends on your choices. The most notable content associated with the pool in the basement is related to the Cobb storyline.


My current other project is Inheritance, which is going to be a bit softball on that front. That said, the project that will follow it will likely have a lot of the more, . . . . odd, . . . transformations.


I check this page but i only unlock DeepEnd2, Madness End, Taint Human, Taint Hybrid and Taint Deep. What am I doing wrong ? Maybe i to fast transformation in to female Deep One ?


How to unlock Cobb story line ? because i only two time when i talk Cobb. 1. In port at the beginning game and 2. In town "he talk you must leave" or or something like this.


If you talk to him upon arriving in town, then you should encounter him a couple more times through natural exploration. Depending on how you treated him when you first met him will determine the direction of that storyline. One of those branches has you recommend he take shelter beneath the old church.


Only about a third of the endings happen if you've TFd to full female. For example, the Deep one endings depend on if you are full female, full male, or somewhere in between. Then about 2/3 of the game's endings require you to reach Day 10 without triggering another ending first, then the ending(s) you have available through the endgame depend on choices you made in the story as well as choices made through the ending of the game.


I have bug Taint 67 and Mutation 10 and i have Female Deep One ending "DeepEnd2"


And almost of the end of the transformation, i have error on the red background maybe missing photo file.


Thank you. Should be able to find the Deep End 2 fairly easily and fix that. The other one, any chance you can get me a little more information?


DeepEnd1.png first female has 2 bug. 1. Two fins on the head. 2. No fin on the left hand.


Do you plans add more photos in to game ? It's to be good to see transformation scenes.


And i want to see more content Deep One. Maybe more scenes of transformation in to Deep One and more endings. Dark, Sexy, Animalistic scen will be great.


Transformation in to Deep One in wet cave/old ruins/forest/basement/catacombs will be great. Maybe John Doe will see female and male Deep One mating or transformation in cave/old ruins/forest/basement/catacombs ?


I am adding art as fast as I can commission them. I want the art style to be consistent, so I'm using a single artist for the game. Unfortunately the artist can be a little slow about completing art. At present, I'm adding 1-4 pieces of art each month depending on how much the artist is able to complete each month.


The dual head fin merely makes her a slightly different variant of Deep One. The missing arm fin was due to a freak trolly accident, . . . . she doesn't like to talk about it.


The latest couple of builds has added a LOT of new Deep One related content. You might want to explore the ruins a bit more.


I am sorry to a lot of questions ask you but your game has a lot of potential. Next build 11.08.2018 ?


Do you add more dungeons, cave or underground swimming pool ?


I release a build of one game or the other every other week. Next week (The 3rd) is our Inheritance build. That would make the 17th our next Wanton Cove build.


I am open to suggestions, however I have nearly all of the major locations planned into the game at this time. It's unlikely I'll be adding any new places of significance, but I try to keep an open mind about such things. Share your thoughts and I'll consider adding them if they fit the setting and I believe they will bring additional depth to the game.


Maybe you add second island or shipwreck with deep one creatures ?


That would be a rather significant detour from our narrative. A new island would require a way to reach it and a reason to go there. The ship wreck is more likely to be possible, but there would still be need to determine why it was there, and why you would feel compelled to go there in the first place.