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Been plugging away at this as I have been able.  Last night was a pretty good run at it, and tonight is proving to be almost as good too.

What I've been doing is writing a bunch of little scenes for the game, many of them suggestive in nature, all to improve the ambience a little more and to give players some new content to see as they explore the setting.

At present, we've got one major scene, thirteen minor ones, and some rewrites ready for the next build, spanning a total of eight locations.

Going to try finishing up another six minor scenes tomorrow, then shift my attention more toward rewrites and other improvements for any remaining time I have to work tomorrow.

I commissioned a new image for our Patreon page to be used at the new pledge level.  The artist promised to have the image done in 10-15 days, so I hope to have it up by the end of this month.

The artist who I commissioned a couple of background images from about three months ago (Not to be confused with the artist who is currently working on the background images and blueprints for the mansion) got back to me apologizing for the delay.  They promised to either have the art completed by the 20th or to refund what was paid for the commission in the first place.  I'm hoping they finish up the art, but if it becomes a refund then it will go right back into art again.  Not too happy with how things have played out on this one, but at least one way or another, things should resolve themselves in about a  week.  This commission includes the master bedroom and the entry hall.

Our Wanton Cove artist sent me a note last night about some price changes.  Their pricing is going to go up fairly substantially for background art. ($25 for the background of an image is becoming $40 for the background.  This is in addition to any characters present when calculating the cost of a piece.)  In total that's going to result in about a 25% markup on each piece.  As they explained, I tend to ask for a lot when it comes to backgrounds, which is something they haven't had to deal with much in the past as most people just want the character art.  I completely understand their marking up the prices even if it's a bit of a disappointment. This will affect the amount of art I am able to commission for Wanton Cove this month, but I'll plan for the extra expense next month, so it shouldn't have any long term impact on the pace at which I add art to the game.

Spoke with the artist working on the backgrounds and blueprints (This is the paper doll artist who I asked to do background art this month.  Not to be mistaken with the artist who I commissioned the entry hall and master bedroom art from about three months ago and am still waiting for art from.)  I think we've hammered out the bulk of the details related to the background art, and I saw some revisions to the blueprints that look REALLY good.

Tomorrow evening I'll be posting the new build of Inheritance, . . . its the biggest release of ANYTHING I've put out to date.  Going to be a LOT of new content to explore!


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