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Independence Day, the 4th of July.  For those of us who live in the United States, this is often a time when we get together with family and friends, fire up the grill, and set off fireworks in the evening.  It's a holiday we enjoy as a country, but often loose sight of exactly what it means.

This holiday originated when our founding fathers decided we were being treated unfairly and they declared their independence to the world.

The holiday has become much more than that however.  It has become a time when we remember everyone who has fought for our country, a time when we honor all of those who have gone before and put their lives on the line in the defense of the country they love, and to honor those who are still with us.

So, if there are any veterans among my followers, know that I appreciate your service in defense of the country I love and call my home.  If you have family who has sacrificed in defense of our country, know that their sacrifice is appreciated by many.  

And for those of you who do not celebrate this holiday, keep the people you love, and the people who serve in an effort to keep your homes and country safe, keep them close to your heart and let them know how much you appreciate them.

Stay safe.  May you all have a wonderful 4th of July , and happy Independence Day!



you kicked us out for a tax that you now pay so much more than hmm


Never claimed that everything turned out perfectly, I can think of a few places things could have been done better, but this isn't the place for that. This is about taking a moment to honor all of the good people who have served.


yes i've served in the uk military


Then you fall into the group of people I tried to mention in the last paragraph above the image in my post. As an ally to our country, I proudly include you in those who I appreciate and honor at this time of year. It takes a special kind of person to serve, to potentially put their life on the line in defense of people who may never know you, or often do not appreciate your service. So thank you for doing your part to keep our world safe and to defend the people and beliefs you hold dear.


i hear ya. my belief in anything was shaken when i found that the people i was fighting the ira were equipped and trained by the cia in libya to fight their closest ally supported by an ex president and noraid


Sometimes our Governments, our leaders, do things that we are ashamed of. When things like that happen, it should be frowned upon and the people should vote any corrupt politician out and prosecute them to the full extent of the law for any wrongdoing. But that does not detract from the spirit and sacrifice of those who have served.


How does invading other countries keep us safe?


I agree with you aftermath in most things but I do want to say that the holiday has nothing to do with our current leaders, or the stupidity that our country is allowing. This holiday is supposed to be about being PROUD of who we are, and the fact that we choose to separate ourselves from the British empire back int he 1700's. It isn't a holiday to support war, or our government.... Just to be happy in what we have, and to try and share some things that should bring us closer together as a nation.


Never said it does, though the subject is one many people smarter than myself have argued over for as long as there have been countries to invade in the first place. But discussing our leaders' choices in this matter isn't what my post above was about, it was about being proud of who we are, to honor those who have preserved our way of life, and embracing our love for our fellow man(woman/person/etc).


I'm a Brit, been living in the US for almost ten years now. I am also a pacifist. But I recognize that there is a distinction between respecting the sacrifices of others and supporting violence. Full respect to all those who have fought or died to protect what they value and love, regardless of weather it was rationally worthwhile.