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Been working on Wanton Cove this evening.  Got an ok start on the week so far.

Wrote a total of three new pieces of content for the game spanning about 1k words.  got a LOT more do work on still this week though.

In other news:

I managed to completely forget to mention that I'm going on vacation with my in-laws *shudder* at the end of the week.  I leave on Friday for the better part of a week.

How, you're first question might be "what does this mean for us?"  Well, hopefully not a lot.  I'll be trying to schedule the new Inheritance build ahead of time and if everything goes according to plan I'll have internet, AND time on my hands that evening to make sure it gets posted everywhere else.  As far as work time, It may prove to be a little hit and miss, but I am hoping to have at least a couple of hours each day to work in addition to all of the running around I'll be needing to do.

I'll also be making an effort to get the next test build of Wanton Cove out before I leave.

Not sure how all of this will affect my ability to post, but I'll be worrying about working first, posting second, so if I go MIA for a couple of days, it's hopefully going to mean I'm hard at work.  ;)



I have a thought suggestion about versioning in the game. I totally get the regular releases, it's awesome to show progress. But in a lot of games (not just this) that trip me up too. Do I play this version.. Or wait for the next. As the really great games (such as yours) start spanning days of (good) playtime with new content at the end (but sometimes in middle), and save porting being uncertain, 'this version or next' becomes a harder question. So why not highlight what you consider to be 'chapters' or 'content arcs', and up the major version for those, and minor for progress reports?


So what you are suggesting is that I handle releases as something along the line of primary and secondary releases? Say A1 would be an alpha build grouping, then small updates would make it A1.1, A1,2 etc until another major component is added to the game to drive the build count to A2? Something like that? I do make an effort to ensure that every new build includes enough content to justify a new build, enough content to give players a sense of newness to the game.


oh wait - is that what those numbers meant for Inheritance? Intriguing, yes, something like that for Wanton would be awesome - currently its going between the minor revs (1.05, 1.06..) but more distinct major ones would be cool too. And totally, not meaning at all to say you aren't adding a lot of content you are! Just mean that it would be cool to have an additional 'check in' option for people who may want to play at more.. 'bulk levels' I guess. When the story has moved forward a significant amount, or opened up in a new direction that's far enough along to explore on its own.. or I guess when 'x number of hours of gameplay' exist or.. whatever works for you of course. I don't know, my schedule is fubared with work so whenever I have time to play again I look through the various games here and on tf / hypnopics and try to figure out which one to play, and I try to pick out the ones that will have a bunch of new stuff I haven't seen yet. No critique of anyone's pacing or anything like that, nor hurrying anything / anyone, just like to play games where they are at points where I'll see a lot of cool surprises


If it's any consolation, what I've been trying to do with Wanton Cove is treat each new phase as .1 So once 1.0 indicated the completion of the primary story. Once that was done I set out to tell two smaller stories within the setting. I hope to complete those with the 1.1 build of the game. Once that is done, I'll pick another one or two smaller tales and start work on those with the intent of completing them to coincide with the 1.2 build, etc. That make a little more sense now?