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Trip kicked my ass, but I'm home!

Will probably take a couple of days to get back up to speed on this front.  

First priority is getting the Wanton Cove bug fixes in place and a new build out.  Hope to have that resolved some time next week.

Second priority is getting the next build of Wanton Cove written and ready for testing.

It may take a week or two to fully write the next Wanton Cove build, but once that happens things should get back to normal fairly quickly.

For those of you who have messaged me this last week and are waiting on replies still.  Sorry, I'll be trying to work my way through the backlog of messages over the next couple of days.  For the rest of you, thank you for your patience.



Hope it all went well and Welcome home :D


Mostly good with the exception of some bad weather, . . . and honestly, that just makes for a good story in hindsight. ;)


Eagerly awaiting the next release ;)


Been laying low the last day or so. Kind of crashed out last night and stayed in bed most of the morning. :P That said, I was going over Wanton Cove bug reports earlier today in an effort to get back up to speed. First priority will be getting a fix up for that (Hopefully on Monday.) then my attention will be focused on the next major build of Wanton Cove before shifting back to Inheritance. I'll be sure to keep everyone informed on progress as its made!