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With Thanksgiving upon us (For those of us who celebrate it) I'll be spending the last half of this week with my in-laws and without internet.  As such, you will be unreachable starting Thursday morning through either Saturday or Sunday.

Today and tomorrow will be focused on adding the sex and meal time content to the game.  If I can complete those two at minimum, I will post a test build for testers before leaving for my trip.  If all goes well, I'll have all the code in place today (Maybe I'm being optimistic on that, but its the goal I have for myself today) and tomorrow can be spent running through the new content to make sure no obvious bugs have cropped up.

Wednesday is going to be no school, so with a house full of kids, I do not expect to accomplish much if anything that day.

Thursday morning, I will be setting up a scheduled post for the next build of Wanton Cove to post late on Thursday.  Since I will lack internet for a couple of days, any fixes that are needed will need to wait until I return from my trip, but rest assured, that will be my top priority when I get home again.

If I can complete everything I want to related to Inheritance this week, then the new build of that will go up late next week.  If not, then next week will be treated as an Inheritance week while I add more content with the new build coming out the following week.

I'll keep you guys posted on progress.


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