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Alright, been a bang up day with a sick kid, but since I've been wanting to get you guys something all day, I'm going to post what I have with the intention of updating it some time this weekend with the last couple of functions I want to include.

What to look for:

-Completely rebuilt the code in the game's intro as it was broken as hell.  The girls should behave very differently towards you after the first night now.

-In the previous build, we had four interactive scenes, of which only one was working the way it was intended.  I increased the chance of each of the interactive scenes triggering, so they should be easier to find.  

-Summons should work correctly in all locations now.  

-The scene from the last build that was COMPLETELY locked out should now play in all of the same locations the original one played in. 6am-8pm

-Two interactive Ball Room scenes should be much easier to trigger now. 6am-8pm

-New interactive scene involving both girls in the Living Room. 8pm-10pm

-Sleep mechanic now works.  Going to bed and sleeping will trigger different scenes depending on if you sleep alone or not, and the time you choose to go to bed.

-Had screwed up the code in a way that was preventing a LOT of the game's content from playing properly.  Basically any event that straddled midnight was broken.  Should be working now. (Most but not all of these fit in the 8pm-5am time window.)

Known Issues and things I hope to finish up tomorrow (Intend to have a fix for these in place this weekend for you guys, and they will most likely appear in next week's release of the game):

-Right now, you can sleep in any location and the game thinks its the master bedroom.   We need to fix this.

-Eavesdropping on the girls when they are in their room in the servant's area has been coded but can not be accessed.  Will use the same method as the sleep mechanic to avoid it simply being available everywhere.  Only thing we are waiting on is the fix for the sleep issue mentioned above before adding it to the game.

-Punishments are at the same state as eavesdropping, just need that bit of code to make it all work correctly.

Hope that you all enjoy the new build.  This should give you all something to explore while we put the final touches on the other stuff.  Have fun!



Ok, for those of you testing this: Had one of you fine people spotted three bugs that they reported. There's a loop with the letter during the intro that had been reported previously, but not a lot of detail to go on until now. Have an easy but in the one of Anna's interactive scenes, and had another easy bug to fix in the Anna & Eve scene. Working on those things now.