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One of our coders (TheMadExile) was hard at work last night.

What did they do?

-Rebuilt the Skills mechanic  to be more efficient and to remove old junk code from it.

-Completely rebuilt the Cheat Menu to make it more efficient.   As well as added a few more skills related to the girls that I had not yet added to the Cheat Menu.

-Reorganized the sidebar a bit to make it look cleaner and more efficient.

Our other coder spent a bit of time working on the game as well as they made some small changes to the movement system that should resolve any lingering summoning issues.

As for myself, I was pretty much useless all evening.  Other than reaching out to an artist about possibly commissioning some art work, all I really accomplished was to turn on NetFlix.

On the grounds that at least one person seems to be experiencing (Or at least one person reported it) lingering issues with summoning the girls to the ball room, I plan to put together one last fix build this evening for everyone.  After that, the next build you guys will see should be in the last half of this month.


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