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Thought I'd catch all of you up on what's going on right now.

Wrote one more small scene (Dialogue piece for an NPC) for Wanton Cove late last night and plugged it into the game earlier today.  

When I got up this morning, I was all ready to dive right into work.  My computer had different ideas and spent the next three and a half hours "Updating" before I could even log in.  Needless to say, that put a pretty big crimp in my ability to work.  Because if this, I declared today my family day instead of tomorrow and intend to work tomorrow instead.  Goal will be to write two more smallish scenes, but time will tell.

Since today became a non-work day, I still snuck off to get a little bit of stuff done.  Ended up chatting a bit with one of the coders helping out with Inheritance for a while.

Received some Inheritance art earlier today.  One complete piece and a WIP piece that just needs a background.  Will be sharing some of that art with patrons in the coming days.

This evening, I'll be releasing the next build of Inheritance.  Start watching for it about four hours after I make this post.

On a side note, for those of you who enjoy my writing, I've been writing a thread for a story over on CHYOA this last week.  Its very much a WIP, but if anyone is interested, you can find the story through the following link.  My user name over there is GateKeeper_A if you'd like to look up the stories I have created there or contributed to in the past.  



Ver Greeneyes

Three and a half hours is pretty excessive! If you're using Windows 10, perhaps it installed one of those big updates (the most recent one being the Fall Creators update). If so you might want to check that all your drivers are still working correctly, they tend to get a bit borked by those updates (in particular it usually replaces your graphics card drivers with ones from Windows Update that don't include all the features).


Yeah, windows, and the it came from the cheap end of the computer range (More than I normally would have paid for one, but it's a LONG way from being a powerhouse. This is something I hope to remedy coming into next year.) And yes, it did mention something about being a "Creators" update.