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It looks like Inheritance is the clear leader in the poll this week, I'll be keeping my attention on Inheritance for the remainder of this week.

Worked on the Cheat Menu for Inheritance for a while last night.  Got most of the stat related stuff for Anna set up, and using that as a template, Eve should be pretty easy to finish up as well.  I'll be trying to finish up the core stats for both girls today. (Relationships, Skills, Health.  Though only the Relationship stuff will affect anything in the coming build.)

Felt like I needed a small change of pace last night.  Once I finished up Anna's skill cheats, I started browsing CHYOA.com and stumbled across a delightful little story called "Runt of the Litter" about the only boy in a family full of Futa.  Got the itch to do a bit of writing and bumped out a couple of quick chapters.  Anyone interested in seeing what I started throwing together, check out the below link.  My user name over there is GateKeeper_A if you want to seek out what I've contributed.  And I'll link the story below for convenience.


Goal for today:  Finish up the Skills, Health, and Money for the Cheat Menu (Relationship stuff is done.)

Goal for tomorrow: Do some writing!



Sadly, for me, Inheritance always seems to lead in the polls. As one who has reached most of the end of Wanton Cove, I have been anxiously waiting to be able to get past Day 7, or to finally meet Dewey. Instead, the emphasis has been elsewhere. I understand the need to not be bogged down by concentrating on only one things at a time, and I appreciate the recent work done on Wanton Cove, but Inheritance is a completely different theme than the one that got me interested in supporting via Patreon. Forgive me if I feel my votes the last few weeks have been futile endeavors.


Thank you for voicing your frustrations. It helps to know how people feel about issues, and this is clearly something I should find a solution for. I'm trying to split my time fairly evenly between the projects (Guess I should start excluding the previous winner from the weekly polls?) You ARE right in that these polls aren't entirely fair when one item starts to win consistently. (I'm open to suggestions for how to improve the system.) And if it makes you feel any better, a new build should be out tomorrow evening (Start watching around this time tomorrow. Should have something up 24-28 hours from now.) There will be a little content related to Dewey in the new build. ;)


Thanks for the quick reply. I do appreciate the work you put into all your projects. And as a teacher I know how mind numbing it can be to get stuck doing only one thing day in and day out. I am looking forward to meeting Dewey.


No problem! I make an effort to reply to things as I see them. Yeah, working on the same thing all the time can be pretty tiring. I've always found that having two projects that are vastly different helps a LOT in keeping things fresh and exciting to work on.I probably get three times as much work done working on two projects than I would doing only one. :P