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Had a LOT going on late last night and all day today regarding Inheritance!

-Yesterday, I mentioned that I might have a second coder helping out.  Its looking like its going to work out, so I'll share a bit about why I'm so excited about having them on board.  The person who expressed an interest is known as TheMadExile among the twine community (Twine is the program I use to create my games).  This is the person who created the SugarCube format for twine, which is the format I use for this game.  Now, to give you some idea of just how awesome this is:  This is like Einstein showing up at your door and offering to help with your science homework.  :D

-Released a new version of Inheritance earlier today.  No major bugs have been reported (Just one small thing I'm planning to run down when I have a moment) and one person was even kind enough to send me an impressive spelling/grammar report which I just finished working my way through a little bit ago.

-Late last night, the coder who has been with the project for a while sent me some new files.  The content was NPC related and takes us a couple of big steps towards being able to start adding interactive content to the game.

-As for myself, much of my day was spent reviewing the new material I had been presented with, replying to messages from both of the coders, and updating a couple of game files to be compatible with the new work received last night.  May not have been the writing I hoped to do, but I think this is a much better arrangement on the grounds that it all takes us closer to moving this all to active development.


Next couple of days will be largely focused on family.  With the exception of posting a new test build of Wanton Cove (Hopefully tomorrow) I don't expect to get a lot of work done until early next week.

Starting Monday, I'll be hard at work on Inheritance again.  Depending on the progress on coding will depend on what I actually end up working on.  Most likely, I'll be writing for the game, but if the framework is in place, then I'll start dropping content into the game instead.  Either way, it looks like things are going to start moving along at a better pace soon.