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Didn't expect to get much done over the weekend, but things have been going pretty well the last couple of days anyway.


-I know this one isn't my own game, but I've been writing for it off and on as a favor to the person creating the game.  Managed to carve out a couple thousand words for the next scene I had promised, putting that scene at about half complete now.

The Allure of Wanton Cove:

-Testing seems to be going well.  Had one bug reported the other day, and I caught a second one during my own playthrough.  Both have been fixed along with some spelling/grammar fixes.  Not a big bit of work, but every little bit helps, right?


-This is actually where most of my work has done over the last couple of days.  Spent probably half an hour fixing spelling/grammar issues.  Spent some time chatting with our artists earlier today, spent some time getting art pieces detailed so the artists will have something to work on, and even spent a little time writing.  Pretty good for a weekend I expected to accomplish nothing.  :D

In other news:

-I'll try to get an Patreon only poll up in the next two days for what I work on this coming week.  Mon-Wed will be focused primarily on Inheritance, then the winning item on the poll will be what I work on Thursday.


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