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Spent a couple of hours working on Wanton Cove last night.  

About half of that time was spent trying to run down a reported issue with the day counter, but was never able to find the source of the problem.  That said, I played around with some of the code related to it in an effort to streamline it a bit, so its entirely possible that its been fixed.

After trying to deal with the date issue, I spent a bit more than an hour dropping old content into a spell checker to clean up more of the game's content.  While I was at that, I went through and cleaned up a bit of the game's code in an effort to streamline a few things.

Next up is a bug reported that's related to Tanya.  I'll be trying to run that down in just a few minutes with a fix being posted later today once that's been resolved.  Considering where the bug is, I don't foresee too much trouble, . . . . 

Next post will most likely be to post the fix build.


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