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Since the new build of Wanton Cove was posted just a few hours ago, and I suspect that most of the people reading this are here for that, I'll start with that project today:

I started a fairly significant sized scene yesterday for Wanton Cove.  I'm guessing its about a third of the way complete right now.  Today, I went back over the content written yesterday to make some small adjustments and improvements, but didn't write much more for the scene (Its possible that will change tonight.)  Maybe half an hour of my time, tops.

Ended up posting the game to one new location today, not sure if that will generate much new traffic or not, but you never know until you try!  Between tossing together the new builds, posting to all the usual spots, and all that fun stuff, that probably took up a little over an hour of my late morning.


Most of my work time today evolved around Inheritance.  I keep sitting down to write some simple ambient/linear scenes for the game, I keep writing bigger scenes instead.  Wrote a fairly large piece today involving both girls.  Looking at the scene and all the combinations that can potentially play out, there are a total of 38 ways the scene can play out depending on how they feel about you.  That's before adding the sex, conversations, and punishment options into the equation.  Those things will play out as an extension to what I wrote today.  Best part is, all of that is the bare bones for the scene and I can come back later to add additional variants to scene segments to further diversify the scene at a later time. (Which is something I actually hope to do with almost all of the content in the game eventually.)  All in all, probably got close to three hours of writing done on this project today.

Been talking back and forth with the artists about some of the art we are planning for this game.  I probably spent an hour laying out some of the early scenes we have planned.  I'll probably spend a little more time getting some more content ready for them to start later today.  (Plan is to present an assortment of scenes that they can work on, then let them pick and choose the ones that interest them the most.  Whenever they complete a piece, I'll add another to their list of options.  I figure this should help keep them excited about working on the art.  Should anything sit on the list for an extended period of time, then I flag it as a priority, but otherwise, I'll be almost as surprised at what makes it into the game each month as you guys are!


Tomorrow is a family day.  I'll be planning to work through any bugs reported for the latest Wanton Cove build with the hopes of getting a fix up tomorrow afternoon, but otherwise I'll have little time to work.

Next time I should have to invest a LOT of time into writing will be next Monday (Want to do some smaller pieces between now and then) and I'll be starting back in on Wanton Cove in preparation of the next major build of the game.  

Towards the end of this coming weekend, or even early next week, I'll put up another "What should I work on" poll for Patrons to choose what I will invest part of my week into.  Mon-Wed will be invested into Wanton Cove, however Thursday will depend on what the poll looks like, it could be more Wanton Cove, Inheritance, or a host of other things.


I think that covers it for today!  About six hours of work behind me, and now I get to go make dinner for the family!  

Have yourselves a wonderful rest of the day!  And I hope that you are all enjoying the new build of Wanton Cove!  Things are starting to happen in Wanton Cove, one mystery is beginning to reveal itself, with a shocking revelation on the stormy horizon.  With the dawn of the seventh day in Wanton Cove, there are only three more days before the story's climax!  Things will begin to happen quickly now!



While I do appreciate a lot of variation please be careful Inheritance doesn't balloon out of control. You may want to consider shelving some variations for future expansions to get things done easier and cut down on the work required. There's nothing worse than running out of steam half way through because you set your sights too big. This has happened to many many people its a dangerous thing and one you should consider carefully while working on the game. Anyway good luck I'm eager to see some of this content in the future.


I agree completely. I figure that production (From the writing standpoint at least) will be broken down into three groups: 1. Unique content to explore (I figure about half of all development will be invested into this. This could be anything from new locations, new kinds of scenes, new interactions, etc) 2. Specific content (Story driven content or unique scenes. I figure that about a quarter of all development will be invested into this.) and 3. Fleshing out existing content (Initially, I want 1-3 interactions for any given item that is put into the game. The simple act of sitting on the couch with one of the girls can have a huge range of reactions depending on how they feel about you. Today I wrote exactly this set including both girls with 38 variants. For now, that amounts to one (Or in one case two) version of each girl's reaction based on all other factors. For now, that's enough, but at some point in the future, I want to go back and add a couple more versions of each variant to create a range of behavior for the scene. The same will be done for other things that you can commonly do, like meal times, bathing, exercise, punishments, sex, etc. I figure that if I spend half of my time bringing new experiences to the game, then about a quarter of my time fleshing out existing experiences, it not only keeps new content coming at a steady rate, but it also prevents older content from becoming stale. I'm actually seeing this as a similar model to what I've been doing with Wanton Cove, where the majority of my time is being spent adding story driven and planned content to the game, but at the same time I try to spend a little time every build or two adding a few new ambient scenes, or fleshing out a little piece of existing content in an effort to keep the game's content interesting and fresh.