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The thought crossed my mind that I should see what you guys think about this.  Now, I usually alternate weeks, one week working on Wanton Cove, the next working on something else.  That something else can be several different things though.  

Since this is my down week where I usually work on whatever I want, I thought I'd see what YOU all want me to work on.  I'll likely split my time between the top two items unless one thing has about twice as many votes as anything else, then I'll focus on that instead.

Wanton Cove:  Working on this would mean starting to write content for not this coming release, but the one that follows.

Inheritance: Working on this would mean trying to finish up the sparring segment that I've previously started, and likely writing more ambient content that can be placed in the game now.

The Therapist: This would involve me working on Rfpnj's project by the same name.  I'm currently working on the fifth scene in the "John Doe" event chain.

WantonVerse Wiki:  This would involve me going over to our wiki and trying to add some more content, likely related to either Wanton Cove or Inheritance.

Writing for fun:  As many of you already know, I do a little writing over on CHYOA at times.  This would result in probably one day or my writing over there for various stories that I've either started or contributed to in the past.

Take the week off:  I've already got something planned on Wed that's likely to cut into my time that day.  If this got voted, I'd likely just sit around and play 7 Days to Die for the bulk of the day.  Something I haven't found time to do in a couple of weeks now.

Get a real job:  You're kidding, right?  I love what I'm doing now!

Looks like I'm going to have 2-3 hours tops today to work.  I'm sitting down right now to get started.  I'll be investing today into Inheritance on the grounds that I hope to have a new build of that up inside of a month.

My other work days this week will be Tue and Thur for sure, with me hoping to invest +4 hours into writing on both of those.  Wed I'm less sure about as I need to run an errand that may take me a good portion of the day, if all goes well, I should have at least a couple of hours to work though.



I'm torn, on the one hand, more Wanton Cove is always better:) On the other, doing some work on the wiki means I might finally know how to get to all that delicious content. On the third hand, everyone needs a break every now and then. I'll compromise and say wiki as that shouldn't be too strenous. And you can have a tab open and still play 7DtD.


I think you ran out of hands part way through that, . . . One of the beautiful things about this poll is that I have no idea how its going to turn out (Usually I've got a pretty good idea of where the leanings will be) so I'm excited about the results because they'll be a surprise! On a side note, any particular places you'd like to see fleshed out if I spend some time working on the Wiki?


I pledge a bit for your work but I don't claim any influence on your 'off hours'. Do whatever, man. :)