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For those of you who have been keeping up since this morning's post:

I received a message this morning saying that the payout information associated with my account had been changed and my account was temporarily on hold (This is normal.  Any time you change something involving payment, Patreon locks all funds for a couple of days, then sends out a message to the creator in question to confirm that they were actually the person who made those changes.)  

Instead of replying directly to the message, I instead went to the Patreon page and sent a message directly to support that way.  For the last three hours, we have been messaging back and forth concerning the issue as we work to resolve it.

Turns out that someone DID log into my account with my information (No idea how that information would have gotten out, I use a unique password for most everything, but regardless, somehow someone got that info.) and if I understand correctly, what they did was go into my payment information and replaced my own PayPal information with their own.

It sounds like Patreon was able to trace and isolate the IP of the person(s?) responsible and are taking whatever action they deem fit on their own end.  In addition to that, I've updated all of my own information on this end.

My next step will be to reboot my computer, run a full virus and malware scan, double check all of my Patreon related information, then set up a second layer of security that was suggested to me by Patreon's support department.

Its a pain in the tush, its not what I had planned to do with my day, but at least I'm on the home stretch of it and should be able to get a little more writing done in an hour or so.



Sounds like Patreon are on the ball as far as security measures.


Yeah, I've had to contact them a couple of times in the past about one issue or another. They've always been very efficient in resolving issues. They have my heartfelt gratitude for their efforts, and my admiration for the professional and efficient manner in which they handle themselves.

Robert Stiteler

Glad they have that security measure in place and glad that you are getting the problem resolved.


Yeah, they seem to really have their act together when it comes to dealing with problems that come up. Its always best to not have problems in the first place, but lacking that, the Patreon people are proving to be as good a group to help you through problems that anyone could ask for.

Leveler All

Good to know that got clear, when is with this kind of info and money i always get super paranoid, i never had an issue with patreon so far but is good to know their reply time is fast.


Thats just sad... but good for you that nothing is lost except time


That's kind of how I see it as well. Its crappy that it happened, and I wont voice some of the terrible things I thought about whoever did it, but the end result is that I blew half a day of my time, . . . . which in the big scheme of things isn't a big deal. Its really too bad that there are people out there who do things like that. Oh well, what's done is done, and this one is behind us now. I hope that the person who did it grows up some day and can somehow find it in them self to be a better person, but there's nothing more I can do about it.


Yeah, the times I've contacted them, I've heard back from them pretty quickly. And the whole locking the payments for a couple of days when things get changed are for EXACTLY this kind of situation. The Patreon people seem to have a good system in place, and it worked exactly the way it was supposed to.


Wow, I can't believe that happen! But so glad they traced them!


Yeah, it sounds like there wasn't much more than blocking the IP address that they could do about it, but at least they were able to help resolve the issue without too much trouble.