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The good:

The new build of Wanton Cove has been out for about 10 hours now, and haven't received any bug reports yet.  I take that as a good sign, after all, it seems like the bulk of the bugs reported appear in the first 24 hours or so.  I'll keep my eyes pealed, but this build looks like it might be one and done (Watch, I just jinxed myself.  I'll have broken something, . . . )  The up side of this is that with no bugs reported, I have more time to actually WRITE!

Got some more WIP art for The Allure of Wanton Cove today.  The previous image I shared with everyone, inked.  It looks nice.  I'll be sharing that art  a little later today with appropriate level Patrons.

Tomorrow looks wide open, if all goes well, I'll be writing most of the day.

The bad:

Had sick family to tend to today.  Ended up taking care of everyone rather than actually write today.  All I really accomplished today was to get Wanton Cove posted earlier today.

The Ugly:

I can feel a tickle at the back of my throat today.  Pretty sure I'll be sick some time in the next couple of days.  The down side of this is that I'll be miserable.  The up side is that everyone will likely leave me alone and I'll be able to get some writing done.


I plan to spend my day tomorrow writing.  If any Wanton Cove bugs are reported, I'll start with that.  After that, I'll consider how sick a feel moving forward.  If I feel alright, I'll wade back into Therapist with the intent to work on Inheritance once that scene is finished.  If I feel sick and miserable, then I'll crack open Wanton Cove and start dropping content into a spell checker to continue polishing the game a bit (I started doing this a couple of builds back, but haven't got back to it since.  Been keeping up with new content though, so once its caught up, it should stay caught up.)


Cody Renton

I was playing through the new build and found a bug during the park scene.


Got any details to go with that? If you can get me a screenshot, or at least a copy/paste of the displayed text, that would go a long way towards making any problem much easier to run down.

Cody Renton

Pretty sure it was a fly, they keep landing on my screen for some reason. (I apologize for this. I apologize so hard.)


*Sigh* And here I was worried that one of the old Park bugs had cropped back up. Was all ready to be in a bad mood. Now I'm too relieved to be upset about it. :P


Had a few errors. Sometimes if I'm in the nice part of town I get this error: Make your way up the hill to the bluff.Error: <<if>>: <<else>> must be the final clause</else></if>


Also the scene after a few days where you find the strange girl who flees from you always fails to have any options forcing me to go back a page. The girl that looks like the old sailor


Thank you very much for the bug reports. Will try to work through them tomorrow and hopefully have a fix build up either tomorrow or Saturday.