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The Allure of Wanton Cove:

-Spent about an hour trying to run down that last combat related bug today.  Fixed it, only to have another crop up in its place.  I sent out a message to some of the people who help out with the game and stepped away from it for a bit.  Rfpnj was able to isolate the problem so I could fix it (And since I'm pretty sure he follows me here, I'll add: You're awesome!  And don't you ever forget it!)

-Started going over my notes for the next update.  I think the next build of the game will have a pretty heavy focus on Lady Anne, though its likely that I'll include at least a little story driven content as well.


-Between the artists, we've finally come to a decision on the kind of art we want to present in the game.  Remember those two sets of sketches I showed off to everyone a day or two ago?  Well, we've opted for a blend of the two styles, about two parts anime, to one part the realism style.  We've also decided on the "Painting" style background art for a backdrop.

-Their first order of business will be to make a new title page for the game that will match the new art style and to put together a banner for advertising.  Once that is done, I'll be turning them loose on the story intro with the intent to illustrate the whole thing.  When that's starting to flesh out a bit, then I'll shift one of them to the paper doll system to get started on that while the others finish up the intro art.  Goal will be to have the minimum of a functioning system in place by the time the intro art is complete.


-I know this isn't technically my project, but what time I've managed to work the last two days (Around home chaos, discussing details with artists, and answering other messages.) its been on that.  Got maybe the first half of a major scene completed.

I think that pretty much catches you guys up on what's been going on, cliff notes style.


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