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So, I wanted to share with all of you what has been going on the last couple of days.

Since releasing the test build of the game, I've received a single bug report (Error with Lady Anne's new content.  Was causing the intro scene to play normally, but the followups were never triggering because of it.)  It was an incredibly easy fix.  From the time I saw the report to the time it was fixed was literally less than three minutes.

Other than that, nothing has been reported.  If nothing further is pointed out to me between now and tomorrow afternoon, I'll release an updated test build tomorrow.

If nothing crops up between now and then, I'll likely release the next build of the game somewhere around the 15th-16th with the hopes of actually releasing a third build of the game towards the end of the month.


Moving forward; Next week is going to be a little crazy on the home front, but with some of the changes that are going in, I actually expect to have about the same amount of time to work on things as my typical weeks allow.  Starting the following week, I actually expect my schedule to open up rather significantly, which in turn should result in an uptick in the amount of work that I get done regularly (In recent months, probably about 60% of my work has gone into Wanton Cove, while the rest of it has been spent working on Inheritance or Therapist.  Work on Inheritance in the background has still been steady, with the amount of content ready to be added to the game increasing regularly.)

Tomorrow afternoon should afford me some time to work on things, though I'm unsure yet of how much.  If Wanton Cove needs any work, that will be the priority.  If not, then The Therapist will be the focus for tomorrow.


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