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First off, after taking an unexpected leave of absence from all of you wonderful people over the last two days, I'm home again.  If you sent me a message, or made a post somewhere other than here on Patreon (I think I've replied to everyone from Patreon now?), I have not forgotten you, I just havent got around to replying just yet.  Expect replies over the next couple of hours as I work through everything.

As far as the family emergency, we all had a good visit, and I think in our own ways, we all said our goodbyes.  It was as good of an experience as one could expect given the circumstances.  All we can do now is wait and see what happens next.  He seems pretty good right now, but in an hour, a day, a week, . . . things can change pretty rapidly.

Wanton Cove News:

This was a real grab bag because of the emergency that cropped up (Some details above).  Instead of wading into this and cranking out 8-10K words of content these last two days the way I had hoped, my time to work on this was severely limited instead.  But fret not!  I'm awesome, and still managed to crank out about 4k words of content for the game (Wrote the Lady Anne intros and started work on the actual Deep One content for the game.)    

In addition to the new content that has already been completed, I also started dropping existing content into a spell/grammar checker and made fixes where it flagged problems.  Managed to work my way through all of the intro up to the point you arrive in Wanton Cove, as well as all of the sidebar content.  Basically, spent about forty minutes working through 26 pages of the game's content (Out of 467 currently in the game)  Will be trying to work though everything currently in the game, but by bit.

Over the next week, I want to write the first bit of interactive content with Lady Anne (At least enough to justify putting her in the game while additional content can be written for her) and to finish writing/adding the Deep One related combat scenes to the game.

No promises, but I hope to have in the neighborhood of 10k words of new content for the release in about two weeks.

After Wanton Cove goes to testing again, I'll be shifting gears and trying to get some more writing done for both Therapist and for Inheritance again.

And now, I think you guys are about as caught up on recent events as I am!


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