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This is something I have been thinking about, and wanted to run it past all of you before making any such changes.

$1 Pledge level:  No change.

$5 Pledge level:  Would gain concept art, but not completed art.

$10 Pledge level:  Would gain access to TEST builds of games.

$20 Pledge level:  Would become largely obsolete.  The couple of you in that group would be welcome to drop your pledge to the next level down for the same features.  Or if you have ideas for other features you'd like to see, feel free to suggest them.

Other than the two people at the $20 level, everyone would either be unchanged, or gain something new out of this arrangement in addition to the features they already receive at each level.  The goal of this would be two fold:  1. This would grant me access to a larger group of testers, which would hopefully result in catching more of the bugs like the ones reported yesterday before the game actually goes public.  End result:  Better product.   and 2. I hope that it would encourage people to consider higher pledges for the additional features that would become available for just a little more than they are paying right now. (Man's got to make a living after all.)

Thoughts?  Comments?  Opinions?  Other ideas for features you'd like to see?