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 Got a new build for all of you to enjoy.  The build ties up a lot of the loose ends related to some of the features in the game.  Several new ambient scenes, one story driven scene, and the ground work for some future content.  My hope is to finish up the remainder of the Day 6 content with the next update. 

Changelog .87

-Updated "People" case notes.

-Updated "Current Tasks" in case notes.

-New scene in the lower area of the Church.

-New location added to the game.

-Rewrote the 4th book entry to reflect "Madness."

-Updated Azumi to account for "Madness."

-Updated Nadia to account for "Madness."

-Updated Ms Sherwood to account for "Madness."

-Twelve new ambient scenes on the main street running through town.  (Actually, two scenes, but twelve major variants between them.)  Some of these are dependant on day, and others are affected by Taint, Madness, or even Depravity.

-Partial rebuild of the waterfront body scene.

-Worked through a pile of minor rewrites, spelling fixes, and grammar issues.

-Once you have met the town drunk, he will then appear in The Barmaid's Daughter.  Several small scenes have been written for him.  More content will be added to him in the future.

-New cheat options:  Remove Cherry, +/-5 Depravity. (Patreon Only)

-Added about 5k words of content to the game, taking the total up to about 234k.

 Should have been working on Inheritance content in the background the last couple of days, but instead opted to take a bit of a break to play some 7 Days to Die as time permitted.  Tomorrow, I shift back into work mode.  Thur-Sun should have few real life responsibilities to keep me away from writing, and I plan to invest a minimum of two of those days into writing content.  Should have plenty to report in the coming days.   



There are two things I LOVE about a new release: 1. Seeing how happy it makes everyone. and 2. I'm always excited to work on a game right after a new release (Probably a byproduct of the first item. ;) )


How do I play allure of wanton after dl and extracting?


Getting a lot of errors in The Barmaid's Daughter: Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: illegal character. Also errors in the church: Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <<if>>Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <<if>> (AND) Error: <<if>>: <<else>> must be the final clause</else></if></if></if></if></if>


Thank you. Got those on my list of things to work on tomorrow. Bug fixes is my top priority for the day tomorrow.


For some reason these are only on the downloaded public version. The version on tfgamessite Play Online works fine.


The TFGamesSite version is OLD. The people who run the site quit updating the game back at version .76 (I think that's because that was around the time I started the Patreon page, but not completely sure.) the version released today was version .87.