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The Allure of Wanton Cove:

Only received a single bug report today.  That said, it lacked context.


I get an error report saying "Error: <<if>>: <<else>> must be the final clause".  

Has anyone else received this bug?  And if you have, where?  Its difficult to dig through so much content looking for a bug when you don't know where to start.


Worked on this a bit today.  I came to a couple of realizations.  Its going to be difficult to write this story due to the complexity of how we want to present scenes in the game, but its going to be something REALLY special when it all comes together.  I finished up the first five, of twentyfive intro pieces for a sparring option in the gym.  Once those are complete, then I have at least two more groupings to write that follow it.  In total, those first five were about 1500 words of content.  It wont happen right away, but eventually I want to go back and write additional variants for everything after the scene is complete so the scene can play out with random pieces.  Should add a lot of replayability to scenes if a scene can play out several different ways at each level of your relationship, even before you start making choices.  

The rest of it:

Tomorrow is family time.  So I do not expect to get anything done then.  The next time I expect to have a lot of time to work on things will be Wed of this coming week.   I'll plink away at things as I'm able in the meantime.


Meowrinya Nyekobornya

just found another hybrid in the trail. so i have to keep visiting the waterfront, bad part of town, forest trail and the center of town for them to appear again? just saying this in case i forget.

Meowrinya Nyekobornya

Do the hybrids or deep ones only appear after i sleep the third time? or is it something about my appearance or stats that prevents them?


There's the initial fight with the Hybrid in the bad part of town. on Day 4. Starting on Day 5, you can start encountering them randomly.


Had to wander off to get some sleep. Sorry about the delay. Just replied to your Hybrid inquiry, and I'm still waiting for a reply concrening the problem you are having runningg html games.

Meowrinya Nyekobornya

i was just wandering around the run down part of town endlessly back and forth between the center of town and the trail on day 4 trying to look for that hybrid you mentioned. is that encounter very rare or is it only related to my stats or how much female I've become?


It is fairly rare. Fights in general are a little on the rare side, and once Day 5 rolls around, you have about a 1 in 3 chance that a fight will be related to the Deep One Hybrids.


Regarding the bug: I've seen it happen when you attempt to read the book you obtain from the basement in the church in your room. The error has those messages, and appears to show 4-5 instances of reading the book at once.


The book should have been fixed with the latest build. Is it still giving that error? Looked for the bug last night, asked a friend to take another look, and plan to dig into it further this evening. Hope to have a fix for the sleep bug some time today (No promises. I've got a couple of hours I can work on it later and plan to dig into it something fierce in that time.)

Meowrinya Nyekobornya

hello again. &lt;3 I have witnessed the female tf and the deep one tf on my end. they're really great even without the pictures.


Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you have enjoyed the two endings you have found! There are currently five endings in the game, One is the simple M2F ending you mentioned finding, as well as you mentioned finding one of the three Deep One endings. There is also a Madness related ending. I've always thought it was important to write in a way that the the story is coherent without the art, and that any art added to the game only serves to supplement what is already there.

Meowrinya Nyekobornya

In the free build on tfgames site if you decide to update it, have you thought of adding other Tfs as well? you said this game is cthuhlu mythos inspired so... why not add in a octopus girl tf in the build? the main character encounters octopus like hybrids with tentacles that were their arms and feet and a octopus head. complete with suction cups. &lt;3 the character gets defeated by one of them and starts turning into a octopus hybrid like them starting with the arms, each time the main character is defeated by them she changes more and more into a octopus hybrid until its complete.


Its the owners or TFGamesSite who updates the build over there. That's unfortunately out of my hands or I'd keep it up to date. With the exception of Zal'chaas, every creature in the game is actually from Lovecraft's mythos. I don't know of any octopus creature which would make a good fit with the setting, and even if there was, it likely wouldn't make it into the game on the grounds that it would be an incredibly massive undertaking to account for another TF in the way they are currently coded into the game while keeping in mind the other TFs presented. Not only would the M2F TFs have to take it into account the way they do with the Deep One TFs, but the Deep One TFs would also need to be accounted for. As such, the M2F and Deep One TFs will likely make up the entirety of the physical TFs presented in the game. Thank you for the suggestion though.


No worries, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Its an interesting idea, and if it wouldn't be such a staggering undertaking, I'd probably roll the idea around in my head a little and see what I came up with. Unfortunately, the way the game is coded makes something like that pretty difficult.

Meowrinya Nyekobornya

hello again. &lt;3 what's the new build gonna be? I'm mostly just interested in the transformations. No offense.


I try not to set exact dates for new builds. I promise a new build once a month, but have always managed a new build once every two to three weeks. As for what content will be in that build, I try not to give specifics most of the time for a couple of reasons: One, it gives me the freedom to work on what I want to work on, and Two, it keeps things a surprise. ;) This said, I'll be starting work on the next build later this week with the intent to put a significant dent in the rest of what is on my "Day 6" to-do list.