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I have in my possession three Steam Codes for the Wanton Cove demo.  Two of which I will be giving away to this community.  One which will be given on that other supporter site.

Here's how this is going to work:

Code 1:  I will give to the first person who makes a comment in the comments section of this post.

Code 2: Tomorrow morning, I will take a look at ALL of the comments on this post and put the names in a hat or something to draw a random one.  

* So one code for being quick, one given randomly among those who express an interest by  commenting below this post. (PMs and commenting in other communities doesn't count toward your name being drawn.)
* Codes will be given through PM.
* No, multiple comments do not count toward multiple entries.
* Yes, you can comment in the comments section of both of our supporter sites if you REALLY want to.
* Once you're allowed to post reviews for the game, it would be very appreciated if you took the time to post one.
* I don't have an exact timeline for when the demo goes public (Is private but playable now), but I'm under the impression that it will happen fairly soon.

And for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, I will link the Steam page so you can follow should you feel so inclined.

Edited to show winner:



cool, when will the Demo be more widely available?


Updated original post to show winner. I found something online that could pull a random number and snipped an image of it's selection.