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Hey! In this tutorial, we'll go over how to use the real-time body tracking component I created for TouchDesigner.

Link to the No Kinect Website.

[Note] you can tack in a query parameter to your socket server by using ?wsURL=

eg. https://no-kinect.netlify.app/?wsURL=wss://our-socket-server.herokuapp.com:443 

This makes it easy to share a permanent URL to your phone.

You'll need a free login to https://github.com and https://heroku.com/. 

Link to the WebSocket Server.

If you're interested in learning more about WebSockets check out my beginner series here where I go over how to control TouchDesigner using a website and vice versa.


Body Tracking with No Kinect in TouchDesigner 2022

Hey! In this tutorial, we'll go over how to use the real-time body tracking component for TouchDesigner that I've released on my Patreon: https://patreon.com/tblankensmith Link to the No Kinect Website: https://no-kinect.netlify.app/ [Note] you can tack in a query parameter to your socket server by using ?wsURL= eg. https://no-kinect.netlify.app/?wsURL=wss://our-socket-server.herokuapp.com:443 This makes it easy to share a permanent URL to your phone. You'll need a free login to https://github.com and https://heroku.com/. Link to the WebSocket Server: https://github.com/torinmb/Socket-Server-Template If you're interested in learning more about WebSockets check out my beginner series here where I go over how to control TouchDesigner using a website and vice versa: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgfxkm9xFocaQvweC3KF3uIeQyDhsLhWX. Using all the info in this series you should be able to recreate the TD component in this video from scratch. 0:00 Overview and Examples 3:42 Hosing our WebSocket Server 2:34 Sending Slider Data 6:55 Setting up the Website and TD Project 10:42 Customizing the TD Component


Scott Cardoza

wow wow wow, exactly what ive been looking for!


Thanks! let me know if you have any questions. There's also been some discussion around setup in the #help channel on the discord

isabella wang

Hi! the file wont open into the project. it connects and i can see the body tracking but everytime i click in project it crashes


Hey! It looks like the ChromaKey Component from the Pallette is broken in the current version of TD. I updated the component on the video, so it should work for you if you redownload it. I also have a bug reported on the TD forum. Looks like a fix should be coming out in the next release, so I'll add the video background cutout component back in once there's a fix. https://forum.derivative.ca/t/fixed-chroma-key-in-palette-crashing-td-2022-mac/288566