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Hey everyone!

Here is the new version 3.4.5, so with this Chapter 7 epilogue should be completed! Check the changelog.txt for more info.

I'll add the new white outline version these days since there are characters that are kind of difficult to add.


-No White Outline (4K)


Remember you can check the progress report here:


Thank you very much for your huge support! You make this possible!



Alex Behn

Huh I can't get it running on my emulators with the texture pack in PJ64


Please watch these tutorials depending on what system do you wish to play in https://youtu.be/LlKHEh-j3sg - Project64 PC https://youtu.be/Vf7ufcnFa4s - RetroArch & Android

Jonathan andres rivera osorio

Esta excelente es un increíble trabajo aun q faltan algunos personajes como Merle pero es fabuloso el trabajo que llevas realizando te felicito