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Hey everyone!

For this update I made both versions: With and without white outline in one release.

I will be releasing the HD versions in the next days (Editing this post)

+100Mb of improvements! This was one of the hardest updates to do, especially Buzzar because he has a lot of textures! Now the Koopatrols are improved including all his animations.

There are more improvements so check the changelog.txt for more info.

You'll need the last GlideN64 dev build. I'll share the one I'm using here. You can find the setting with the texture pack file.


-GlideN64 dev build (with settings):


-White outline at 4K:


-No white outline at 4K:



-HD white outline:


Thank you very much for your support! You make this possible!



Mitch Wyatt

Thanks so much! Semi-patiently waiting for the hd version (since I use onboard graphics and only have a 1080p monitor anyway)


Sorry for the delay. Here it is the HD version (white outline) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rLuX56798_sKYgxxAoUlTW9WrmBN8V_O/view?usp=drivesdk Coming soon the no outline version HD. Thank you very much for your support and patience!

Mitch Wyatt

I'm a huge fan of your work. I'm not an artist but if there's something I can do to contribute in addition to my monetary support, I'd be willing to give it a try. I do some light programming, so I may be able to figure out how to do things like automatically batch-convert all the 4k textures to hd, if you think that would be helpful.


Hi! I’m trying to add the textures to RetroArch on my Xbox series s, but the filepaths are different than the one in the read me file. Do you know where I’d add them instead?


I have a program that convert the textures to HD too but the problem is that I have to figure out what texture are missing too, and sometimes I have to change some textures resolution like 40% smaller (like environment and big characters). If I need help I'll let you know, thank you for your support very much for your help!


Hey there! Try this little guide: https://docs.libretro.com/library/mupen64plus/#hires-textures it there aren't certain folders like "cache", create it and paste there the .hts file. Let me know if it helps!


I’ll give it a shot. Thanks!!

Joseph Crowe

I have an issue. I can't get the hts format to work, but the old htc does. I'm not sure what to do. All the settings that previous packs worked with are the same.

Joseph Crowe

Whoopsie. I think I figured it out when I looked at one of your older posts. LOL


Glad you fix it! Here is the tutorial in case you have any issue: https://youtu.be/LlKHEh-j3sg

Garen Reynolds

Are the HD versions on patreon different than the public releases? Also can I use the 4K version on a non-4K monitor for the time being?

Joseph Crowe

Thank you, and may I say that your texture pack is absolutely gorgeous. It was like Paper Mario for the first time in a sense.