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+100Mb. The texture pack is becoming HUGE now! (+550Mb)

This update took me a long time to do it because I had to remaster a lot of textures I've done before because of the quality and animation. Now the animations and textures make it look like a real Paper Mario Remake! Check the changelog for more info.

Stay tuned for the next progress video and the little surprise that's comming soon :)

Thank you so much for your support!





It keeps looking better every time! With Project64 v3.0 out, this will be the definitive experience to play Paper Mario


Yeeeeeee, this project is getting sooo far


Is there a way to stop the game from flickering back to original textures? It seems like certain animations or characters switch back and forth between the 4k and original textures. Anyone else having this problem?


Hyped! Didn't realize that you had this out already...excited to get it updated along with my project 64 update. This project is looking amazing


The TTYD style is top notch - Good work and thanks very much for making this additional version!

Potato chips

Is the ttyd style in this? or must i be an adventurer patreon

Cameron Bates

Dang, wish these rendered better in the iOS libretro Mupen64 Plus-NEXT core. Still though, worth the dollar :)