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Goombario is now in 4/8K with The Origami King/Color Splash design I've made. He used to have TTYD design, but not anymore.




I literally like the new style, this style looks much better.


I love how it looks, altough maybe removing the black outline around the blushes would improve it

Team Remaster

Would you consider receiving all of the 4k Textures from the progress made on the Dolphin Version that I work on. We could throw your name into our title screen and vice versa. Let's swap. I'll send you all of Bows Textures in just a second.

Team Remaster


Team Remaster

There you go buddy I only ask that you credit myself Travis Lee. One of my Artist told me rely this to you. "Credit me as Shicchan, please."

Team Remaster

Also, the other Professional involved wants to be credited as: Some Scrub.

Team Remaster

Your gonna love the time we saved you.

Team Remaster

We won't start a patreon, that said all parties decided it be best to pass all of our hard work over to you by the end of the week. If you could do the same for us that would be wonderful.


Send me a private message. Is that for TTYD or PM64 for Dolphin? Because Dolphin is slower for N64 games. I can't access to the file,

Team Remaster

There is a trick to boost speeds for PM64 in dolphin. You've gotta set the clock speed to the n64 internal clock. We have a lot more to sort out but we got the remaining partners finished a while back before you started. Which of course, seemed to create a bit of confusion amongst certain members of the team. Some assumed due to utilization of the exact same art style that textures were, 'Stolen.' Obviously, they're completely understanding now, yet it would of been nice if they would of realized that earlier on. Anyways, with all of thier future work and mine we will duplicate each new texture one named as a rice N64 Texture format and on as dolphine texture format. This way things will be much easier on you. Unfortunately, the partners do need thier file names changed to be utilized into a texture.png to placed into the PM.HTC file. Essentially, they just need a rename. Oh and we have a ton of completely redesigned textured for environmental textures and Hud elements for you to. Its alot. A whole lot....


Do you have any image? Changing the clock speed and loading the textures on Dolphin wouldn't be the best solution because there are a lot of Android/PC users who has low-end devices. I also started doing it for Dolphin but because of that, I changed to N64 and it's easier.