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A lot of people were asking for this. I'm not sure if I'm going to finish it (characters only).

I hope you like this preview (with and without the white outline).

Which one do you prefer? Let me know it :)

Soon more updates


Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door HD | The Origami King Style (Mario)

READ! I only remade Mario style. I used Invader's texture pack for the rest. It has a Color Splash/Origami King style now :) New Mario! With & Without white outline. It was hard to make specially the outline because the game have 3D characters. Color Splash and The Origami King use 2D. Thanks again to Invader for the amazing HD textures. You can find his project here: https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/Thread-paper-mario-ttyd-hd-texture-pack-v1-9-april-1st-2020 You can check my Paper Mario 64 HD texture project in my channel. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/masterkillua


Joseph Hudson

Do the White Outline it makes it feel more like paper

Elden Ring DLC

My 2 cents -- TTYD already has a pretty great HD mod. As for the white outline, I personally don't like it. I think the black one is perfect. Not sure what Intelligent Systems was thinking, but obviously some people like it.

Loïc Roulois

i like it ! and i hope u will do all the game in HD texture ^^

Metal Mario

What's the minimums requirements to run from a decent pc?

Metal Mario

By the way, are you planning to release this Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door style Origami King ? I would be happy to use it!