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Thanks to everyone for your support and being patient. The update will be released 14th for Supporters and the 8th for All-Access patrons. Remember you can leave any suggestion and ideas.


Paper Mario 64 HD Project - New update v1.1 & Release Date

Enviroments, sprites and more. Remember it's a WIP Project. The textures and speeds are limited and I'm trying to do my best. "Please, understand". Soon more updates! Thanks to all the patrons and donators for making it possible Public release date: 07/15 Patreon: 07/08 (All-access) & 07/14 (Supporters) Patreon (Exclusive content & Updates) https://www.patreon.com/masterkillua Donations: https://bit.ly/2WjPFDc


Kevin Doucette

I love seeing how frequently you update! It just keeps looking better! But if I had to nitpick I'm not a big fan of Bowser's face when he turns towards the screen. It seems tiny and kinda out of place

Elden Ring DLC

Suggestions and ideas: Aside from a (future) version of no white-outline, I've been looking at Thousand Year Door recently and noticed that they use subtle gradients on a variety of characters and objects. I understand this is more work but I do like the effect and it's worth considering. Cheers! :)

Elden Ring DLC

Hmm, based on the Photoshop part of the video, it seems that you are not using vector lines for the art. If you did that would probably make it easier to create a version without the white-outline. But the current version might be fine too if you just upscale it. :)


I agree. I love everything except Bowsers face. He should be looking more towards Mario, just like in the original N64 version.


This is excellent, thanks for the hard work and keep it up!


Had to come support this, amazing work! Excited to see Bombette!

Elden Ring DLC

For your next post, could you mention the emulator settings that you've found to produce the best visual/audio results? Your 'readme' file mentions which plugin to use, which is good, but I know that some people (like me) are unfamiliar with the best settings for this particular game. Thanks!