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In Hunter x Hunter 65, Evil Fist × And × Rock-Paper-Scissors, the card collection gang skipped the part of the strategy guide that advised against trusting the guy who betrayed and killed everyone.




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You mentioned at 9:35 that Killua is now on Hisoka's level, and while that might be true in the sense that he has now learned to transmute his nen just like how Hisoka can also transmute his nen and in the sense that Killua is now one of the top dogs compared to the other examinees, Killua is still nowhere near Hisoka's level in most other categories which only really becomes apparent later on in the show and especially in the manga chapters that take place after the end of the show.

Chris Sharpe

Kinda funny how taking the Hunter exam with nen is like logging on to a smurf account. Edit: Also peak profile picture.


Bisky calling Gon’s technique “childish” just reminded me of Hisoka’s. He explained in the Heaven’s arena arc that the name of Bungee Gum and Texture Surprise came from a pack of chewing gum and stickers that came with a treat which he loved as a child. One it’s a great parallel to these two individuals again, but it does make me wonder on the greater potential of how personal a technique should be to an individual. Particularly if it stems from childhood. Of course it could be just be the time that the person learned Nen and since Gon is learning it at 12/13 and maybe Hisoka developed his when he was quite young too that would make sense. But it’s definitely something I’m gunna think about more.