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In Haikyuu 4x10, the tournament begins and a dangerous new foe appears: the ceiling.




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I'm always surprised how much Alex complains about cardio compared to how much he clearly likes sports and competition. Clearly, he should plan a visit to Saitama to experience those refreshing hill sprints firsthand. I enjoyed your discussion of the episode's theme, and I agree that it's very tightly wound. :) At 16:30, I think the banner for Tsubakihara is actually equally meant for the Shimizu flashback and Karasuno. You could translate the proverb as "even the smallest streams transform into great rivers" ('hosoki nagare-mo taiga-to naru,' 細き流れも大河となる), and it expresses how important the accumulation of small contributions is to the whole. (Random aside, but there's a place in Peru where you can stand on both sides of the source of the Amazon river that comes to mind) One of my favorite things about Haikyuu is the intentional focus on the meaningfulness of all the contributions from people around the team, and how they become part of something bigger and gain from their involvement and dedication. Obviously that goes for Takeda-sensei, Coach Ukai, Yachi, and Shimizu, but also Shimada (Yamaguchi's mentor), Saeko (Tanaka's sister), Tattsun (the blond guy who made the videos), and even people from other teams like Kuroo, Bokuto, and Coach Nekomata. The word Shimizu said at 6:30 to mean that she felt "on the outside" is 他人事, 'tanin-goto,' or "somebody else's affairs." But through being with the team, they stopped being 'tanin;' they start becoming *her* people, her own goals. I think people in Shimizu's position often don't take stock of how the reverse is also true; Daichi and really all the team members also think of her not as 'tanin' but as an important part of the group in return.


For running, I guess it just feels like a lot of pain without much of the good stuff: teamwork, interplay between offense and defense and the creative expression that can bring, variety, etc. I also was on the track team for a year and didn't have the best experience. That's a great way to explain what is also one of my favorite parts of Haikyuu. I hadn't thought of the greater connection that the banner has, but seeing it now it's a great fit

Emman Reed

I'm loving this show and your reactions to it. Always makes my day better :))