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In Vinland Saga 2x2, Ketil's Farm, just two dudes lifting logs and eating cheese... of their own free will.




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Alter Nate

Let's go, more Peakland Saga. I totally understand what you mean. Despite the situation, there is something satisfying about watching them clear the forest and do some manual labour. It feels personally satisfying, like accomplishing a task or clearing off an item on a to-do list. Also, just a quick heads up in case you didn't know. Mappa (the studio working on this season), released additional content on YouTube between some episodes, the links are as follows: Episode 6.5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSwWYEUhIYc&t=2s Episode 18.5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUlTTqc4peM They add some additional context around the episodes preceding and coming after them.


About Thorfinn being able to escape any time given his battle prowess and experience, I don't think he'll ever do it, or that it's ever even crossed his mind. He has, ever since season one and ever since a little kid, just gone with the flow and followed orders surprisingly well and never really did anything of his own volition. I think he finds being ordered around quite comforting since that's the only thing he's known since young. He has always been lost and hence depended on his life being constantly steered by someone else. While his revenge always remained the only motivation in his life, how he lived life was always on the command of Askeladd and now Ketil and his farm responsibilities. So while previously his nature was violent since that was what was required of him, now that he's on the farm he's mellowed down since his environment doesn't require his violence. And it's not surprising how much of a husk of a person he has become, having lost his one motivation in life. Also I don't think a lot of people cared so much for Olmar's introduction, but the little nuances Yukimura sensei, the mangaka, writes into his characters are always so fascinating and well thought out. He's the typical ungrateful rich kid who doesn't understand his privileges and is quite tone deaf and self centered, whining about his inconveniences. He's abrasive, naive and immature, but at the core of it is, I think something that everyone relates to- wanting to be their own person. I'm looking forward to you seeing his character arc this season.


For sure. Watching the show it's obvious he has no idea what he's wishing for. But at the same time I relate to that feeling of wanting something "out there," glorifying the adventure, and the drive to establish yourself as your own person outside of what's inherited or not your doing

Emman Reed

I need more!.... please?... also thank you for this reaction. I am loving the Vinland Saga reactions!


Loving season 2 so far. When I finish March I'm planning on doubling up on Vinland Saga


Rewatching these episodes again makes me emotional after watching 22 episodes of S2. If you enjoyed these 2 episodes, you'll love the rest!


Hey I saw you comment to someone else that when you finish march your planning to double up on Vinland. I think that’s a great idea but maybe you could squeeze in fruits basket prelude first when that time comes.


Glad to hear 🤘🏻 This season is amazing but is slower paced so it’s hard to watch once a week

Tyler Owens

This honestly may be one of the single greatest seasons of anime I've ever seen. Every single episode of amazing.

Sam B

👌👌❤️❤️❤️👍👌👍 That's what I want to hear!!