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In March Comes in Like a Lion 2x11, Where the Sun Shines & Small World, Rei gets a big break thanks to the Shogi leader's love of money. Shimada gets a big break by avoiding the Antarctic love trap.




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Chris Sharpe

Not finished with the video yet, but I saw you mentioned classical music. Maybe a good show to watch after this is Your Lie In April. From what I’ve watched so far, it is very similar to March Comes in Like a Lion (almost seen as a sister show), and it deals with classical music rather than shogi.

Chris Sharpe

It’s a shame, was kinda hoping that Rei would get some people from his school to join the club, but this outcome was hilarious.


Your Lie in April just seems like the natural follow up to March Comes in Like a Lion

Chris Sharpe

I mean, it’s literally in the names. April naturally comes after March.


Although lie in April is good I rlly hope it doesn’t come next. Still so many other good shows to get through like Vinland, Oshi no ko, bochi the rock, Dr stone, HxH, perhaps even the the boys since I just finished s3 and it’s soooooo good.

Chris Sharpe

@M1GZ I somewhat agree, but generally since Goodwin does 2 shows at once (voted shows and handpicked slice of life shows), I think Your Lie is good for the Slice of Life. I definitely want Goodwin to see Oshi No Ko first episode, but I think watching the whole thing might not be up his alley as some of the other options. If the first season ends up being something that Goodwin would really enjoy, I’m sure we can watch it in one run through once it’s done rather than doing it weekly. HxH will also probably be voted on next, so there’s that. Also not sure if the Boys would be up Goodwin’s alley, especially since it seems to reference concrete politics as opposed to more general themes. Vinland and Bocchi are definitely fair though. Really want to see those reactions. Haven’t seen Dr. Stone but I’m sure it’s amazing.


Yah maybe an unpopular opinion but I dropped April a couple episodes in just sorta bored me, and I’d much rather Vinland double uploads than April. Also I’ve been recommending run with the wind for a while. feel like it would be right up his alley.


Oh and I haven’t even mentions Cyberpunk Edgerunners

Chris Sharpe

@M1GZ Yeah, I get that. Doesn’t seem to be for everyone and that makes sense. I’m still only a few episodes in as well. I can see how Vinland saga would be a very popular choice, but maybe it can replace Haikyuu when it‘s done and March can be followed by another slice of life. Haven’t seen Run with the Wind, seems good, especially since I believe it’s a sports anime, right? I really have a lot of shows I need to watch.


I think a few posts ago he said Vinland would come after he finishes the kaguya eps. Also I couldn't recommend run with the wind more its a tad slow to start up but my god when it does its great. its on of like 3 animes that's made me tear up. Also its only 23 eps as well definitely would recommend most underrated anime imo. Also I wouldn't mind seeing some one punch man reactions as well, think those would be pretty funny.


and yes run with the wind is a sports anime, its running but its mostly character based

Chris Sharpe

@M1GZ Sweet, for both of those comments. I’d love to see the Vinland Saga reactions and Run with the Wind eventually. Still want Your Lie to be seen too eventually.


I haven't seen as many shows as most of the other patrons here, but I did try Your Lie in April and I honestly couldn't stand it. I watched through to the end, hoping it would get better, and although I did shed tears, I am always a faucet. That doesn't mean anything. The feeling I felt most strongly after I'd finished was disappointment. The message itself was really off-putting to me, I felt that the story was plodding, transparent, and slow, the voice acting was mediocre, and for me as a former piano major (I did a double major in linguistics and music in undergrad), the music itself (besides the genuinely impressive violin in the first episode) really profoundly bothered me. It did not meet the herculean task the author imagined for it. So many moments of "oh, and his sound has changed again!" when I would say to myself, "umm.... no? No it hasn't. It's literally a single looping audio. You just added bubbles to the animation. What the hell do you mean his 'sound completely changed again'?" I really don't like "yucking on other people's yum," and if you enjoyed the show, then more power to you. Maybe others are in a more generous place. But I would just add my voice to the people thinking that there are bigger prizes than the poetic fit of following up 3-gatsu with 4-gatsu.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

HOLY BASED RYAN! Finally I find someone else out there who dislikes Your Lie in April like I do. I am also a faucet when it comes to media/anime, and I love slice of life and I love classical music, so the show should've been a hit for me like it seems to be for everyone else, but no. I also didn't enjoy the music, I thought the plot was stupid and half the characters were incredibly under written. I do not understand how Your Lie in April is so popular and so highly rated, other than the story just being absurdly tragic and sad.

Chris Sharpe

@Ryan Honestly, thanks for the perspective. I was only a few episodes in so I probably jumped the gun a little. I still might keep watching to see if I disagree, but you aren’t “yucking other’s yum” (you are literally one of the least toxic people I’m seen). Also, you having major in music is really interesting, I didn’t know that.