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In March Comes in Like a Lion 2x9, Kingdom part I & II, Rookie King Rei rushes to Kyoto to give Hina the ultimate medicine: Himself.




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Chris Sharpe

Nikaido having telepathy, but only for Kiriyama is honestly very on brand.


Rei's mindset is super interesting to me, because while he's not selfish, he is/was very self-centered. He has a tendency to sort of focus exclusively on how actions affect him, and not how his actions affect others or how people will react to his actions, unless of course, it's  how his actions negatively affect others. The most egregious example is of course, when he completely focused in Gotou and wrote off Shimada to the point where he didn't even realize how badly he was losing to him. But you can see it poke it's head up here and there in season 2 as well. Like how Rei immediately decided that he was going to help the Kawamoto's by financially supporting them through his Shogi earning without ever considering that the Kawamoto's probably wouldn't accept his money. Or how he tried to convince Hayashida to help him with Hina's situation by buying him food, without considering that Hayashida would help him even without some sort of reward or incentive. Of course, you can very easily trace this mindset back to his trauma and subsequent depression. His excessive focus on how people reacted to him was almost definitely born out of his troubled family situation. Plus, until recently, all of Rei's mental and emotional attention was focused on his own issues. It's only now that he's even in the right state of mind to start thinking about how he can help people rather than ruminating on how he could be less of a burden. So he definitely shouldn't beat himself up for only noticing other people's issues now.