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In Haikyuu 2x18, The Losers, Ennoshita LEAPS... for a chance at finding his place on the court, even if it isn't replacing Daichi. Yamaguchi DIVES... deeper into his own persona abyss.




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"Yes! I drink your tears!" Caught me so off guard ngl 😭


the last stretch of s2 is some of my favourite stuff ever in anime, i'm excited


Great episode, I love that "one more" line, Many of us know that felling after losing wanting to play that "one more time" untill we win.


I love listen to you talk about Daichi. It's so wholesome how much you like character. It takes me back to the AoT erwin days

Chris Sharpe

Shoutout to Takeru (the Little Giant guy), he was an incredible captain and never seemed to harbor resentment over his height or Hinata’s abilities and seemed genuinely enthusiastic to go against strong opponents. Gotta have respect for these great side characters.


4.18 Coach Ukai moving the bench out of the way with Takeda sensei still seated on it, to avoid Hinata colliding into them, still lives rent free in my head. Luckily Takeda sensei has built up his immunity for this very moment, what with all his previous clumsy falls. Edit- also, watching you slowly step into your villain era of drinking opponents' tears, is the kind of support for the Karasuno boys we stan!!


Tsukki was showing some kindness... In his own way, I guess. Yamaguchi was sad, sure, but he also seemed kinda determined and I believe Tsukki noticed that. He knows him well, so he could tell that Yamaguchi wasn't actually going to the bathroom to cry.


lol not you cheering for the opponents downfall😂 It's so hard for me to cheer because when we start getting to know the team's hopes and dreams I feel so so bad when they have to lose. Like I don't wanna see their tears but also serve me up a glass of that sweet sweet victory.


The Dead-chi meme is so hilarious to me. When newcomers watch it and actually believe that Daichi is dead because of how much we comment is so funny.


Agreed. Tsukki shows support and emotion very.... differently from the others. The end of the match at 17:46 is a pretty good example. Ennoshita at peak self-realization and Tsukki just standing there looking :|


Sorry, lots of little nerd comments for this episode. I'll try to keep them concise: - 6:15 Tanaka says it's way too early for Ennoshita to try to play like Daichi. The line it comes from is really common in shit-talking, where you say basically the equivalent of ''try again in another century.'' In fact, Kageyama says exactly that at 18:10 to Hinata (you're a 100 years away from matching Nakashima). But Tanaka gets that Ennoshita's emotionally fragile, so he rephrases it to ''you're a year away.'' Very kind of him. - 13:45 You said Hinata was ''resting.'' Just to make sure you can visualize it, what's happening is he's getting subbed out for Noya when he's in the back row. Basically, Noya takes the place of Tsukki or Hinata whenever they rotate to the back, so about half of the time. - 18:02 ''No handshake''? They tried to imply that there was one, but yeah that's not super clear if you're not already familiar. Hinata and Kageyama's conversation is supposed to happen after the handshake. Three translation comments, but only the last one is really important: - 16:03 They have Saeko saying that they made a tip to the part of the court that Yu (Noya) ''didn't cover.'' That's not what she meant. She meant that they tipped it because they knew that Noya had been subbed out that play, so he wasn't on the court to cover that spot. It's not that Noya failed to get there; he wasn't available, and the other team took advantage. - 16:55 ''A good jump.... starts from good footing.'' What he actually said there was that a good jump requires a good run-up. Hinata tried jumping from a standstill right before that, which is why he came up short and had to panic to get it over with his left hand. - 22:15 Ennoshita, again trying to flush away the bad feelings with running water, is quoted as saying ''Don't you dare relax.'' I'm kinda sad that's how they translated that because it's a really powerful line. To completely rephrase without worrying about word-for-word equivalence, what he's saying is ''I finally got to play in a match. Yeah, it wasn't pretty, but I made it. I fought hard until the end, and we won. I should be excited and pumped up to fight the next opponent. I should feel momentum and drive to play again... so why is it that what I really feel most right now is relief? How the hell is it that I'm glad it's all over? It's not supposed to be all over.'' That's basically Ennoshita's crisis there, going back to that whole theme of the feeling of running away never fully disappears.


Thank you for that Ennoshita translation! I love the way you worded that!